The babies are doing great! There was a real thin one in the beginning, but I took out a few of the fattest ones overnight so he could get in a feeding....He was about to pop the next morning!!

After that, I couldn't even tell which one had been thin...

Later, there was another lagging a little behind in growth, but as soon as they were out of the nestbox and eating their mom's food, it pretty much caught up to the others. At 5 weeks I'm going to weigh them all...
This morning I fed Dovetuft some Blackstrap molasses (about 1/2 tsp) mixed in some pumpkin seeds and oats. I also took the kits away for about 15 min, so she could get a break and eat her goodies in peace.

She also got plantain (which she loved!), dock, ragweed, clover, lamb's quarters (which I had noticed Heather preferring over clover), dandelions, and clover. She cleaned it all up in about 30 minutes.
__________ Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:59 am __________
She is continuing to get thinner.
I have been daily feeding her molasses with pumpkin seeds or BOSS and oats. She gets weeds ( comfrey, borage, Queen Anne's Lace, plantain, rose, raspberry, clover, lamb's quarters and some apple branches), free choice alfalfa hay, free choice pellets, and water with ACV in it. Today I gave her a little wheat bran and a mineral block. I also separated her kits for the day and gave her a dish of water instead of the bottle. She drank a bunch when I gave it to her, so maybe she was having a hard time getting enough water? :?
I'll put the kits back in with her tonight, and separate them during the day again tomorrow.
I think sweet feed is basically molasses sweetened corn, oats and some sort of pellet, right? So wouldn't mixing molasses with oats and pumpkin seed sort of be the same? I do have cracked corn too, but I was under the impression it wasn't greatly beneficial.
Oh, by the way, I am feeding Blue Seal Bunny16 pellets...if that is useful for solving the mystery... <br /><br /> __________ Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:11 am __________ <br /><br /> Dovetuft is finally improving!
I weaned all but three of the kits, and left those with her to keep her from getting mastitis.
I'll wean them soon.
Her fur is looking lots better, but she is still kinda thin. I'm going to wait to breed her back until mid August she is due shortly after we return from vacation in Sept.
Hopefully such a long break will be sufficient for her to be ready to breed again.