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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2012
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Fill in the blanks
Main food:
How often:
How much:
Extra food:

Rabbit: Red nz under 6months age
main Food: Oxbow essentials young rabbit food
how often: what time: 3 times a day 8am,3pm, 3am
how much: As much as they can eat.
Extra food: TM hay.
Water: outa a bowl as much as they want.
I use Oxbow Essentials for Young Rabbits for my younger rabbits. Fed twice a day (morning and when I get home from work at 6 pm). Switch to a Timothy based pellet when they hit the 6 month mark. Feeding only once a day (morning). 1/4 cup a day. Luna, who is my breeding doe is still on the alfalfa based pellet. Remember I have smaller rabbits than you.

Hay is fed in the evening, as well as a small portion of greens or fruit once they hit the maturing mark as a healthy snack.

Water, which I use crocks, are changed twice a day. With my young bunnies, changed more than twice a day.

I think if you space out that 3PM feeding to say 6 or 7 pm, you can stop that 3 AM feeding. But have to tell you, if I'm not up at a certain time in the morning, Willard will start ringing the cow bell he has in his crate. My bunnies are very schedule oriented. When I get home from work, they are all waiting for me as well.

fishdip":2dxx60s1 said:
Rabbit: Red nz under 6months age
main Food: Oxbow essentials young rabbit food
how often: what time: 3 times a day 8am,3pm, 3am
how much: As much as they can eat.
Extra food: TM hay.
Water: outa a bowl as much as they want.


There is NO reason for you to be getting up at 3am to feed rabbits... :shock: They are not like human babies. You can fill their food in the morning and evening and they will be just fine. I stop free feeding at 12 wks, how old are your rabbits?
fishdip":hesktsnj said:
Fill in the blanks
Rabbit: Rex (Standard)
Main food: Mixed grains (Oats, barley, BOSS, beet pulp)
How often: In the evening
How much: 1/2 to 1 cup depending on consumption.
Extra food: Alfalfa hay and seasonal greens. Horse cookies.
Water: Always available.

Rabbit: Rex (Standard) Does with kits and growout pens
Main food: Mixed grains (Oats, barley, BOSS, beet pulp)
How often: In the evening, refilled as needed
How much: Unlimited access
Extra food: Alfalfa hay and seasonal greens. Horse cookies.
Water: Always available.
Rabbit: Adult bucks and open does
Main food: 16% alfalfa based pellet
How often: in the evening
How much: 6-8oz per day
Extra food: unlimited hay, seasonal greens, occasional BOSS
Water: unlimited fresh water

Rabbit: Nursing does/weanlings
Main food: 16% alfalfa based pellet
How often: morning and evening
How much: free fed
Extra food: unlimited hay, seasonal greens, BOSS or Calf Manna 1 Tblsp daily for nursing does
Water: unlimited fresh water
OneAcreFarm":25kyr7cz said:
fishdip":25kyr7cz said:
Rabbit: Red nz under 6months age
main Food: Oxbow essentials young rabbit food
how often: what time: 3 times a day 8am,3pm, 3am
how much: As much as they can eat.
Extra food: TM hay.
Water: outa a bowl as much as they want.


There is NO reason for you to be getting up at 3am to feed rabbits... :shock: They are not like human babies. You can fill their food in the morning atynd evening and they will be just fine. I stop free feeding at 12 wks, how old are your rabbits?
I get home at 3 am i feed just as I go to work and they won't let u sleep tell u feed them once more.
fishdip":8ym2r0qi said:
I get home at 3 am i feed just as I go to work and they won't let u sleep tell u feed them once more.

Ah, well that makes a bit more sense... :)

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