First-Timer Doe's Pregnancy

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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Northern Colorado, USA
Day 0

Well, my junior (actually a senior as of last month) doe is now bred for the first time! :D

I had never bred a first-time doe before, and I'm wondering... Is it natural for her to be terrified of the buck :p (who is a proven senior and knows exactly what his job is)?
In any case, she ran many laps around the cage before huddling in the corner long enough for him to get one cover in, per session. So I had to take her to him twice. :lol:

I will give him/her one last try later tonight, since I am not sure how, er, "profitable" these two brief covers were, and then comes the countdown! Oh how I hope that she has a successful litter; I quite miss having little popples around!

:bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop:

Also, any anti-stress recommendations for a first time bunny would be wonderful!
Yay! Popples on the way! :p

Maiden does are often frightened by the buck. Some of mine will grumble at me for hours after they have their first "date". :lol:
Day 3

MamaSheepdog":1xa3jrg9 said:
Maiden does are often frightened by the buck. Some of mine will grumble at me for hours after they have their first "date". :lol:
Well, at least mine is not the only one! :lol:

When I put Mimi in with the buck for the first cover, he was patient with her and waited for her to calm down before proceeding with the "date". But the second time that I put her in with him, he was not going to wait! He jumped on and did his job without any tolerance for her panic. :lol:
i actually bred a first timer last night...she ran around but it was mostly her playing...she wanted him to catch her (work for it) first...cause she didn't seem scared...but then she is a special girl...her sister was terrified.
My friend just tried to breed her doe for the first time last week and the poor thing actually screamed! The buck was rather vigorous and terrified her. My friend decided to give her some time to mature a bit more before trying again.
Bred a first timer yesterday. She pretty much rolled on the ground trying to get that buck to mount her, she lifted so high he could hardly mount. Got an old timer that is so stiff I wonder how she ever had kits. These buns definitely doe have interesting personalities.
Finally bred a first time for here. Normally, for months, would plop her butt in a corner. This time she actually turned her butt towards the buck! After a couple covers, and him trying to hump her face, she tried getting him. Yay for hormones!
Madra doesn't like me or Kori either, but he got it done a couple of times.. now I hope it took.
I'm a bit curious about her behaviour though.. she rode the other does before and after her date (which I've heard can be 'heat' or dominance.. she doesn't do it too often so I figure it was heat), yet when she met Kori she ran around like crazy, squeeked and made small heartbreaking noises. The second day she refused him completely but the first two days she eventually let him do his job..

With my luck in breeding I've marked the calendar but I won't expect anything untill I see the litter. ;)
Day 6

Zab":1e61wok7 said:
With my luck in breeding I've marked the calendar but I won't expect anything untill I see the litter. ;)
:lol: I have to agree with that! Until I see a nest box full of babies, I'm not counting on anything. Though palpating at least gives me the assurance that something is in there; whether or not it will be born alive and healthy!<br /><br />__________ Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:17 pm __________<br /><br />Day 10

Well, since today is day ten, I decided to try palpating... Unfortunately I have never been successful at palpating any earlier than day 13-14 though. :? She did feel a little "bottom heavy" which is something that I have noticed when feeling another pregnant doe, but I didn't feel any "marbles" yet.
Fingers crossed for Tuesday's palpating! :)
Day 16

Well, after palpating on both days 13 and 15, I am pretty certain that Mimi is pregnant; I'd be very surprised if she wasn't!
Now it will just be waiting to see how she handles a nest and babies... Her mama was a really good mother though, so hopefully she got some of those genetics! :)<br /><br />__________ Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:50 pm __________<br /><br />Day 21

Well, we are now three weeks in and her abdomen is feeling heavy... Fingers crossed that this next week goes well! :D
Day 22

Right now I am raising Holland lops, but I'm hoping to add a meat/fur breed this year. :)
I am really looking forward to this litter (if everything goes well); it has been too long since I have had babies in the house!
Day 27

Almost there... :D

And no worries! You will all see lots of pictures! :bunnyhop:

__________ Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:26 pm __________

Day 30

She's in labor! :p

She has already delivered one kit in the box and one on the wire... I was watching so I quickly put the one from the wire into the nest with the other.
I can see movement in the nest, so I know at least one of those two is alive, but now she is just moving around the cage a little and acting as if she still has more to deliver; no contractions at the moment though. Maybe she stalled the labor and is just resting?

I'll keep you posted! :)<br /><br />__________ Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:38 pm __________<br /><br />Uh-oh.. She has a kit stuck halfway out!
I have tried some vaseline around the baby and pulling slightly, but she has stopped having contractions. What should I do?
I gave her a tums in her food dish, but she doesn't seem interested in that..
One of the two kits that she has already delivered was dead and the other is still alive and I am keeping it warm.

I can't tell if there are any other kits besides the one that is stuck... But she is alert and moving around though.

I have tried soaking her bottom in some warm water and lubricating the kit with oil and Vaseline, but she hasn't made any progress yet.
Right now I am giving her a break and letting her rest alone in her cage.

Any other suggestions?
And when should I start to worry?
lavender will help bring on more contractions and then parsley will help her finish and bring on milk. these just from what I have learned here.

Also, what breed is she?

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