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Oct 22, 2012
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We acquired a couple "mutt" does a few weeks back..they were free and I was hoping to be able to breed them, but turns out they're only half the size of our buck and they're twice as old (1 yr). We really weren't looking for pets and the smaller of the two was a real shrew...boxing, thumping, growling, she became our practice rabbit.

Extremely pleased to find that our .22 pellet gun did the trick very well. Must say, though...there was a lot more of the reflexive kicking than I'd anticipated. At one point, I began to doubt that she was really gone, but its was just conscious...her eyes told the tale from the beginning.

So, DH and I (mostly DH...but I did assist) got her all processed. Half hour from cage to fridge, so I'm thinking that was pretty darn good. Left her there for about a day and a half and popped her in the crock pot yesterday...she was delicious! Froze the pelt for tanning later and have the carcass frozen for stock at a later date as well.

Now, have to decide what to do with the other one. She's a bit bigger than the nasty one was but still quite a lot smaller than our buck I'm concerned about breeding them. She's a maiden despite being a year old and I certainly don't want her to suffer with kits too big for her.
Congrats on your first processing and rabbit meal! :clap2:

I'm sure it was easier to start with an unfriendly rabbit! :lol:

There are conflicting ideas about breeding large males to small female animals. In horses, it is common to breed a horse stallion to a pony mare for sport ponies (small jumpers, dressage, and eventing animals). The size of the mare determines the size of the foal at birth- though born small, they will outgrow the dam at maturity.

Often there are accidental breedings of large dogs to very small ones, and it is not uncommon for the pups to be born without any problems.

Still, most of us don't want to take chances, and it is generally recommended to use a large doe to a small buck to be on the safe side. I think that if the doe is about 2/3s the size of the buck, she will likely do fine unless she has a small litter of very large kits.
Thanks, MSD! I was quire pleased with our efforts. The actual dispatch would be the hardest part for me...thank goodness DH took care of that. Once done I don't have any squeamishness. I definitely need to learn more about how to disassemble the carcass though...kind of made a mess of it from that stage, LOL. It's not as easy as chicken, that's for sure.

Reckon we really need to weigh the critters in question and if the difference isn't more than 2/3 I think we'll try breeding at least once and when the time draws near, I'll keep a really good eye on her so she doesn't suffer.
Sounds like a good plan! :)

Congratulations on your first rabbit meal! :D I'm sure she tasted even better on account of her attitude! :lol:

30 minutes for a first time is pretty good, especially on an older rabbit! I think we did about that with our first litter, making all sorts of mistakes. They were 22 weeks, because we moved when they were 10 weeks (moving was a bit of a surprise, but that's another story). So... skin stuck to meat and all that. It would be even more difficult to skin a year-old rabbit!
It was a bit of a tough peel, but DH is a muscle-y sort, LOL. It helped a lot that we've both had at least a bit of experience cleaning critters. I've never actually done it before but have seen it often and DH has done it before and to a certain extent, ya clean 'em all the same way. We used scissors rather than a knife and had good luck with that although we couldn't get the head off with them...had to resort to a hatchet for that.
Yea for Micky328. I know Dave had to enjoy the meal.
you both can see several videos on youtube on how to butcher, they will help a lot, and the more you do the faster you will get
but the main thing to remember is, yo are not in a contest, so take your time and do it right.
If the doe is one of the one on your F/B group page, then she should do ok with your S/F buck.
Mickey328":28em3h0i said:
we couldn't get the head off with them...had to resort to a hatchet for that.

I use pruning shears for the head and tail.