first return class to martial arts

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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No one on facebook (which is all my family because I don't have off the internet friends) pays any attention to my struggle of recovering my physical health so to the people who don't really know me and yet pay more attention....

I survived aikido class! I spent about 10 years doing aikido. The last 1-2 years I was struggling through mysterious symptoms and the beginnings of rapid weight gain. Today I am back for the first time since my surgery. I couldn't do falls. I attempted some rolls from kneeling and bad. Just bad. Class did not look promising. We spent the class showing the newer people the beginnings of take downs though and that went tons better. Aikido does not rely on strength and all the memory of endlessly doing these motions is still there. The people who don't know me from before were wondering if I was new that day and were very careful with me. Then they hit the mats at my feet. :lol: Not without care toward the new people of course. The really tall guy with thick wrists and strong forearms also fell to my nikyo right away and the only other person who managed that was the instructor's son. Everyone rapidly had a new opinion.

Sadly my strained left knee did not survive class and I started to get too hot. I was getting goose bumps on my burning skin. I did walk off the mats but the stairs to the bathroom when I got home nearly killed me and I think I've had what is usually 3 days worth of liquid in 6hrs. Long road ahead but after trying to convince myself all last winter I could be happy with low effort hobbies and tasks, caring for the animals and maybe I'll find some craft hobbies, it just all went up in smoke when I helped paint the new school and started hiking again. I would rather break something trying to do what I can't than sit around the house.
Good for you!

The first step is always the hardest, and the fear is the reason so many don't begin.

Good for you!
That is great that you're going back and neat that you remember the moves so well.

Hubby started doing Karate with the kids last year for the first time ever. It was something he's wanted to do since he was a kid just never had the opportunity.
Good for you! I wonder if as you keep going you might strengthen your muscles to handle your classes better and better.

Our family used to take Kung Foo San Soo years ago. I really enjoyed it, but it was hard to do at night (not really a night person). I earned up to a green belt, so while I was on my way, I had a LONG way to go to black belt. Still fun. I love stuff like kung foo, yoga, and tai chi.
I almost had a black belt. If I'd just been able to take my test I would have but I was having increasing health problems.
akane":2hb0ihpw said:
I almost had a black belt. If I'd just been able to take my test I would have but I was having increasing health problems.

I was just having increasing lazy problems. Do you think you'll keep working toward your black belt?
I already have the knowledge to be a black belt but currently I cannot take falls. Which sucks cause that was one of the things I was best at. I'm not sure if my knees can take someone all the way to the mat in a pin either. If I don't recover enough to do those things I cannot pass a black belt test. Muscle I can repair but if my joints can't do it then it doesn't matter how much work I put in.
CalicoPrairie":nqowkhfh said:
I was just having increasing lazy problems.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wish you all the best, Akane! I hope this goes increasingly well for you and helps your body do some recovering! :clover: