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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2014
Reaction score
I've only made a few posts, but I've read a lot of other people's posts and the info on this site is so great! With kits from a first time mom, I especially appreciated the pictures on how to tell whether or not the kits are being well fed. On 9/25 one of my does kindled, a first for both me and her. She was two days late and had her kits in the middle of the day, but she had six healthy little ones and we haven't lost a single one...she's been a great mom and the kits are doing really well. I'm so excited!! Just wanted to share and thank everyone for all the info on here!

Edit: I keep trying to add pictures, but they're not showing up??

Edit the edit: Okay I figured it out, at least one picture posted!


  • 0928141739 (600x800).jpg
    0928141739 (600x800).jpg
    214.5 KB · Views: 286
Well, tarheel506, first off, :welcomewagon:!

Second of all, :congratulations: on the kits!

Third, you should know that the first rule of order on RT is that popple pictures ARE REQUIRED!!! :camera:

It's written right here: :contract:
:yeahthat: :welcome:
The photos may not be showing because the size is wrong...that's what I did wrong when I joined, anyway :cool:
Maybe try resizing them before attaching them? Someone more knowledgeable will probably be able to help more :) do you resize? I took the pictures on my phone (not a smart phone) and then sent them to my e-mail so I could save on my computer. What size are they supposed to be?
The image must be at most 1920 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high. You should be able to right-click the picture on your computer and select edit, then resize :)