First Litter Troubles

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Hopefully. Been inside with the kits for almost an hour trying to get/keep them warm. Might head outside soon to put them back with momma. I just really dont want anymire dwad kits
baefull.wolfbunnies":2ho6d6ox said:
Hopefully. Been inside with the kits for almost an hour trying to get/keep them warm. Might head outside soon to put them back with momma. I just really dont want anymire dwad kits

yeah I understand... Best of luck with it and keep us updated!
Her nesting instinct has just kicked in a little late. Keep the kits inside and take them out for feeding twice a day until she stops the behavior. Usually it only lasts a day, two at the most.
MamaSheepdog":1gvf8td8 said:
Her nesting instinct has just kicked in a little late. Keep the kits inside and take them out for feeding twice a day until she stops the behavior. Usually it only lasts a day, two at the most.

She may have been doing this yesterday (I want home so I don't know) I put the kits back but she is still going in and out should I keep them inside until tomorrow?
baefull.wolfbunnies":3husf3z2 said:
should I keep them inside until tomorrow?

Yes. Take them out to her only for feedings.

Rabbits that are late to nest have no concept that by digging around they will hurt their kits- in fact, they don't seem to realize that the kits are even there at all.

When she moved the kit to the wire earlier, she did that just as she would move hay or other nesting material- not as a way to keep it out of harms way or anything.
Ok, when I went out there to get the kits, they were scattered all over the box. I put some of the nest box material in a cardboard box; that had the washcloth I held them in earlier, and put the two kits with full tummies in it. I then lifted Avista out and rolled her onto her back and one by fed the remaining 4 kits until they fell asleep and detached from mom. Then brought the box inside. Should I do feedings at twilight and sunrise?
baefull.wolfbunnies":2l3ecnbv said:
Ok, when I went out there to get the kits, they were scattered all over the box.

Yikes! :x

baefull.wolfbunnies":2l3ecnbv said:
I then lifted Avista out and rolled her onto her back and one by fed the remaining 4 kits until they fell asleep and detached from mom.

Aww! :)

baefull.wolfbunnies":2l3ecnbv said:
Should I do feedings at twilight and sunrise?

baefull.wolfbunnies":1lxtfflm said:
I then lifted Avista out and rolled her onto her back and one by fed the remaining 4 kits until they fell asleep and detached from mom. Then brought the box inside. Should I do feedings at twilight and sunrise?

It's wonderful that she let you feed them that way!! A doe won't let her milk down unless she WANTS to. :) So cool. You're doing great!
Syberchick70":39koaqsl said:
It's wonderful that she let you feed them that way!! A doe won't let her milk down unless she WANTS to. :) So cool. You're doing great!

Actually she kicked a bit when I turned her over and it took about 10 to 15 min a kit to feed. And even then the last kit barely got full.
baefull.wolfbunnies":124nxv1h said:
Syberchick70":124nxv1h said:
It's wonderful that she let you feed them that way!! A doe won't let her milk down unless she WANTS to. :) So cool. You're doing great!

Actually she kicked a bit when I turned her over and it took about 10 to 15 min a kit to feed. And even then the last kit barely got full.

Ah... Yeah, they don't like to be held that way, as you know, but if she was allowing the kits to nurse then it's hard to argue.
True. And if I am right in my assumptions I have 6 does. <br /><br /> -- Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:04 pm -- <br /><br /> Mom isn't dropping her milk. Is the goats milk powdered or liquid? If I can't find it what do I use?
I believe the goats milk usually comes in a can, like evaporated milk, or maybe in a carton where the specialty mills are sold, like 'lactose free' milk. You should be able to find it in a grocery store. If you absolutely must substitute, I believe some people have used kitten milk replacer, but the is not so good for them. I understand the mixture has to be very thick and creamy.
Miss M uses canned goats milk- I'm not sure if she was able to find it in condensed form though. :?

Powdered goat milk "replacer" is available at feed stores, but is way more than you would need for just one litter of kits. You could probably store it in the freezer for future use though.

If you get the "replacer", mix it at double the recommended strength for goat kids.
baefull.wolfbunnies":28w12ulc said:
I found a 15 oz can of powdered goats milk

Cool! Where did you find that?

Has mama stopped rearranging her nest yet? Hopefully you can give the kits back to her this afternoon. :clover:
QFC grocery store, baking aisle, top shelf. It was $14.99 before tax. <br /><br /> -- Fri May 01, 2015 11:40 am -- <br /><br /> [youtube][/youtube]

I felt I couldnt accurately describe the motion several if the kits are doing. The kit in the bottom right of the frame does both.

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