First kit on wire, rest of them 16+ hours later?!?!?!!

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Reno, NV, USA
This post is more venting/sharing than anything, I thought it might be useful for others to hear about this sort of behavior.

So, yesterday morning when I went to do the morning chores, my expecting Champagne d'Argent doe had one kit waiting for me... on the wire. She had not tried to build a nest or anything, despite this being her second litter after a successful first. Luckily it's been warm, and the kit was still alive. I gathered it up, stuck it down my shirt to warm up fully, then ended up stashing it in a spare nest I filled with straw and fur my husband plucked from the mother. Again, it's warm so the little one was fine in one of our warmer rooms during the day. I left the mother with her ignored nest box.

By evening, no action from mom, but one of my Americans had kindled so the little guy went with her litter for the moment. But the Champagne doe was finally nest building, and this morning I found a complete nest with 6 more live babies and 2 dead ones (including one that looked funky and deformed). All of the Americans and their foster sibling are looking fine. I have one more doe to kindle tonight, and once I see the final distribution of kits, I will then cross-foster around to equalize kit load - assuming the Champagne is feeding hers. We currently have 12, 9, and 6-kit litters.

The moral of the story is, have some patience with does who might be having issues, and try to always breed in pairs, if not groups!

- Jessi
Rabbits almost ALWAYS carry in both horns. Issues arise if there are litters of two different gestational ages, one litter in each horn.

As to the OP's post, I have seen this happen more this year than any other time. Lots of other breeders also reporting this happening. I am not sure why, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing, just not the norm. Hopefully your other doe kindles successfully as well! Congrats on the kits!
I just had a doe kindle two...then have ANOTHER two almost a whole day or so later. It was so strange. I guess maybe our does just halted labor for a while??? :?
I had a doe who had a litter of 5 a few days ago, yesterday I went out and found another. (It was the color I was hoping I would get, but didn't in the first batch. ;)
Everything would have been fine if she had only built a nest before having the first kit, but no, absolutely nothing. It's like she sneezed and he popped out! If there had been a nest made, I would have been a lot less surprised. But this way, it doesn't seem like it was interrupted labor when she didn't even really start nesting until the second wave of kits.

But so far, so good. I've returned the first kit to her, along with two from my American's litter of 12! I'm all about spreading the labor around...

Anyway, this is putting this doe on the track to culling. She also came down with sore hocks sometime since breeding - I trim nails before giving them to the buck, and she was fine 31 days ago. So now she has a nice big tile in her cage, and I'll keep an eye on her to see how her wounds are going. But unless she shapes up big time with her third litter, she might be the first breeder to go to freezer camp. She my prettiest Champagne doe, but pretty doesn't pay the feed bill...
It's like she sneezed and he popped out!

........the mental image. Oh gods, the mental image.

Rabbit: "La la la...KER-TCHOOO!" *POP*
Popple: "I HAVE BEEN BOOOORRRRN!!!" (in the same voice as whoever voiced Zim from Johnen Vasquez's "Invader Zim" cartoon from years ago)

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