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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
So I bought a NICE bird cage tonight at the auction for $2.

hubby sees it and says AH.. we can get you a couple of finches for that cage. :)

So.. anyone know anything about finches?

I don't want zebra finches unless I can find something funky in them (as I know they can come in interesting colours). But what kind of care do they need? Do they NEED to have vitamins? is giving seeds sufficient or do they get picky and only eat their favs?

But I don't know if all finches require the same type of care either...
I used to have finches, and I fed them seed and fresh greens and fruit. Some types need to eat bugs (like mealworms/waxworms)- but generally the commonly available/affordable finches are pretty durable and forgiving.

They prefer cages that are long as opposed to tall so they can flit back and forth.

Canaries are finches too, and they sing! :mrgreen:
I love the looks of the Lady Gouldian finch, so bright and colorful!
i've never heard of that one.. and it makes me appreciate how with chrome if I don't know something I can click on it and with one click will search for it. :) and wow.. lady gouldians are pretty. :) I don't think I've ever seen one. they look about the same size as java rice finches... (which I like)
I love Lady Gouldians too- but they come with a hefty price tag- over $100 each usually... so I've never owned one! Other pretty finches are Cordon Bleus, Strawberry finches, Owl Finches, and Fire finches. Not as colorful, and a larger bird (between a Society Finch and a Canary) are the Nuns- I had black headed Nuns and White Headed Nuns, and there is a tri-colored variety also.

I do miss the little sounds they made, and their activity- they were a pleasure to have.
I saw these finches one time that made the sweetest little noise...not sure what type they were but if I ever see them again, I am going to get some.