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New member
Apr 25, 2011
Reaction score
I palpated Roxie this weekend and TAADAA! We have a winner....finally! This will be our first litter since June... :p I *think* Aimee might be as well, but she is a first timer and it is more difficult to tell...I have three more to palpate tomorrow and hopefully they all took. :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop:
Haha! I just noticed that I posted this under the old name too! What a dork!...but I guess I could blame it on my happiness over finally getting kits...yeah, that's the ticket! LOL
Congrats! We'll be expecting pictures as soon as she doesn't mind a camera lens peeking into the nestbox :D
WOO HOO!!!!!!! Happy dance!!!!!! :pinkbunny: :clap: :bounce: :bananadance:
Nice going, especially for this time of year. I often have trouble getting does bred in the short days of Winter.