Well-known member
I realize I haven't been here in a long time, but I'm trying to make sure I'm doing all I can for my dutch doe (River). It appears that she's fighting stasis.
After changing her litterbox a couple of days ago (Friday), I realized yesterday that she was producing only a few small poops. I've seen this before, on occasion. Maybe a rabbit isn't drinking enough, maybe their water bottle has gotten clogged, so I did what I always have done in this situation. I checked her water bottle to make sure it was flowing and I went outside to harvest some dandelion greens for her. She drank some water out of the bowl and scarfed down the greens (I gave her 3 leaves). A little while later, I realized she was making this odd 'straining' motion. I've never seen this before. The only thing she was passing from her bottom was a little liquid, and she would pass a little urine each time she did this. I got her out into a large floor pen, so she could move around and gave her some abdominal massage, which caused her to do more of the straining thing. She was starting to look uncomfortable, sitting huddled and shivering. I continued to monitor. I dumped out her litter box. A while later I gave her more greens dipped in water, which she ate (eating is a good sign, right?)
I put her back in her hutch as a while later, I noticed that she had passed a few normal sized poops. Yay!! I gave her more greens and left for a while. I came back later and saw that she had passed a few little pebbles. Still progress, right? I gave her a few more greens and a couple of dandelion heads. She continued to scarf this stuff down greedily, but hasn't seemed to have touched her pellets and her water bottle hasn't gone down any. I still have the bowl of water for her drink from in her cage. This morning I didn't seem much progress in her litter box. She seems more alert and comfortable physically, but I went ahead and gave her a little simethicone (.6ml) and a few more greens to help stimulate her, as well as getting her out in the floor pen and giving abdominal massage. She is still doing some of the straining.
So, am I doing the right thing? Should I be doing more? Less? Taking her to the vet seems like a waste of time and money. I'm concerned that she may be stopped up from chewing on her stuffed rabbit (which I have now removed). I hadn't realized that she had chewed half of its ear off
but if she were completely blocked, she wouldn't be passing ANY poops, right?
I wanted to add that all of my rabbits have constant access to timothy hay. I saw her nibbling a little of it earlier.
After changing her litterbox a couple of days ago (Friday), I realized yesterday that she was producing only a few small poops. I've seen this before, on occasion. Maybe a rabbit isn't drinking enough, maybe their water bottle has gotten clogged, so I did what I always have done in this situation. I checked her water bottle to make sure it was flowing and I went outside to harvest some dandelion greens for her. She drank some water out of the bowl and scarfed down the greens (I gave her 3 leaves). A little while later, I realized she was making this odd 'straining' motion. I've never seen this before. The only thing she was passing from her bottom was a little liquid, and she would pass a little urine each time she did this. I got her out into a large floor pen, so she could move around and gave her some abdominal massage, which caused her to do more of the straining thing. She was starting to look uncomfortable, sitting huddled and shivering. I continued to monitor. I dumped out her litter box. A while later I gave her more greens dipped in water, which she ate (eating is a good sign, right?)
I put her back in her hutch as a while later, I noticed that she had passed a few normal sized poops. Yay!! I gave her more greens and left for a while. I came back later and saw that she had passed a few little pebbles. Still progress, right? I gave her a few more greens and a couple of dandelion heads. She continued to scarf this stuff down greedily, but hasn't seemed to have touched her pellets and her water bottle hasn't gone down any. I still have the bowl of water for her drink from in her cage. This morning I didn't seem much progress in her litter box. She seems more alert and comfortable physically, but I went ahead and gave her a little simethicone (.6ml) and a few more greens to help stimulate her, as well as getting her out in the floor pen and giving abdominal massage. She is still doing some of the straining.
So, am I doing the right thing? Should I be doing more? Less? Taking her to the vet seems like a waste of time and money. I'm concerned that she may be stopped up from chewing on her stuffed rabbit (which I have now removed). I hadn't realized that she had chewed half of its ear off
I wanted to add that all of my rabbits have constant access to timothy hay. I saw her nibbling a little of it earlier.