Feeding Fennel seed

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Well-known member
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Jan 3, 2014
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So I have seen alot here, and in other research online, that Fennel is safe for rabbits so I was wondering if people have fed Fennel seed and how much? I was thinking of making a mix of some rolled oats, flax, BOSS, and Fennel for my Mommas as a little added boost to their diet while the babies are nursing.
I have fed actual fennel to my rabbits, they love the plant. Not sure about the seeds. I know that fenugreek seeds are great for helping with milk production.
I cannot find any problem with including it. I planted fennel mainly for swallowtails but fed the trimmings which included the flowers and seeds to my guinea pigs. It was a very small part of the diet. Maybe a handful every couple days in a grocery bag of greens, seeds, and other plant matter. I'd probably do 1lb oats, 1lb flax or chia seed, 1/2 lb boss, and 1/4th lb fennel or the equivalent if you use smaller amounts.
When you feed the actual plant fennel, can they eat the white bulb part and the top green?

Thanks akane! I will try those ratios :) I only plan on feeding then a TBS or two of the mix a day.
I've fed both fennel and fennel seed. I have more experience with the fresh plant, and it's usually the first thing I reach for if I have any digestive issues in my herd. I have a bit of worry about stringy pieces, especially in large stalks and bulbs, so I've been cutting anything stringy looking crosswise. The bulbs have more water and sugar than the leaves and stems, but so far it hasn't caused me any trouble to feed it.

It is easier to get sickly feeling rabbits to eat fresh fennel than the dried stuff.

As for milk production, I've seen some negative side effects mentioned from using too much fennel, including appetite suppression and a lowered milk supply. So yeah, careful of the dosage.
I never got to feeding the bulbs. My fennel died every winter and I replanted it twice before giving up. I only had 1 year's growth at best. The bulbs are frequently used by people so I would think they are safe in small amounts. With any bulb but especially the whiter, juicier ones there is a fair amount of sugar, water, and possibly some trace nutrients like magnesium that can cause digestive upset in too large of amounts. Root vegetables are a good long lasting food source though. I cut things like radishes into little strips or squares and drop a few bits in a crock or metal hanging dish. I can get stuff like that in bulk at a farmer's market and stick it in the fridge or pantry for quite awhile without it going bad. There are also a lot of daylillies that have gone wild and people want to get rid of. The entire plant including the tuber is edible. "Ditch lillies" (escaped daylillies like to grow along roadsides) are quite useful.
We eat the bulbs, so the rabbits only get the stalks and greens. I cut the stalks into 1" pieces like celery.