Feeding doe to produce more milk

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Active member
May 15, 2012
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Goldsboro, NC
I've got a Doe this is my first litter with her not sure if it's her first litter or not. She had 10 kits. They are always wanting to eat and she is mainly trying to get away from them now. They are 17 days old have seen some drinking from the water and some have been in the food dish(and I do mean "In the food dish" :lol: ) They all look healthy and about the same size for the most part. Is there something that I can get her that would help her produce more milk. I feed her alot of pellets now. Planning on removing them from her at about 6-7 wks of age.
There behavior is normal at this age, they start sampling moms food and water. That doesn't mean she's not producing enough milk necessarily.
I agree with Skysthelimit. Once they leave the nest at about 14 days they begin to sample solid food. Adding some kitchen oatmeal and some grass hay can smooth the transition to solid foods.

Certain plants can be offered to the doe to boost milk production, but most of them are not the kind of thing that you will find in your backyard. The exception to this is stinging nettle. It must be dried or at least well-wilted to the point where it will no longer sting, but it is known to aid milk production.

If you want more information about herbs that may also help, please ask and I will look it up for you.
Yep they learn from their mom and want to follow what she does...kinda like humans. So their behaving like normal kits. :)
They sound like they're growing just fine. If you're concerned about her needing more sustanance, Calf-Manna or oatmeal are both good boosts, but from what you've described, they're doing great. :)