Feeding costs - Ontario

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Mar 15, 2014
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So I finally got my quote for feed costs. These costs are delivered to my door. I can combine my rabbit feed order with my chicken feed order so they will deliver it. Saves me the fuel and the drive to pick it up. I converted the pricing/weights for our American friends.

17% -$13.57/25kg or $12.34/50lb
17% Medicated - $13.89/25kg or $12.63/50lb
16% -$13.35/25kg or $12.14/50lb

I am quite happy with the pricing. The delivery is even better. It will save me $40 in fuel and a trip on top of my feed bill
Name brands are way to expensive and for pet owners.

This is from Jones Feed Mills. They make great chicken feed and their rabbit feed is used by a few very large growers.
Name brands are way to expensive and for pet owners
What is this supposed to mean?

I find this comment very condescending.

Lots of breeders use brand name, myself included, I produce 20 to 40 fryers a month and do not consider myself just a "pet owner".

Those who dont live next to an independant feed mill must buy what their local feed store carries, most of them have contracts with the big feed stores and legally they cannot carry any other brand, even if they wanted to. People in big cities where pets rabbits out number those kept in herds or where feed is shipped in, like Hawaii or Alaska, are even worse off and they have no control over the price of feed.

You're lucky Jones even makes rabbit food, believe it or not not all feed mills do :shock: and likely the only reason the feed prices are low is because of your neighbour who orders enought for his 900 doe herd.

If you are buying it loose and not in bags then the price will of course be lower. Keep in mind that rabbit food spoils very easily and rabbits are very sensitive to mycotoxins, its easy to toss a couple water damaged bags but a silo full - not so much :( it has also been mentioned that you get more fines in loose feed and unlike chickens, rabbits won't eat this and it is a waste
It is not meant to be condescending. Unless you are an owner of Purina, then it was supposed to be. Why would anyone get offended by someone commenting that name brands are to expensive and that they are marketed towards pet owners? Because they are.

Just like going to the grocery store, things are cheaper if they do not have a label on them. Independent feed mills are usually much cheaper than name brands.

If you do not live near a feed mill, well then that is horrible. As feed mills are usually a whole lot less expensive and they have awesome customer service.
BrianRme":2zzuwr9t said:
So I finally got my quote for feed costs. These costs are delivered to my door. I can combine my rabbit feed order with my chicken feed order so they will deliver it. Saves me the fuel and the drive to pick it up. I converted the pricing/weights for our American friends.

17% -$13.57/25kg or $12.34/50lb
17% Medicated - $13.89/25kg or $12.63/50lb
16% -$13.35/25kg or $12.14/50lb

I am quite happy with the pricing. The delivery is even better. It will save me $40 in fuel and a trip on top of my feed bill

very cool, I am glad you found a good [and afordable] feed supply- I supose if other commercial breeders are using it-- it must be good, as they would not use it if it did not make them money.

it has also been mentioned that you get more fines in loose feed and unlike chickens, rabbits won't eat this and it is a waste

when I bought bulk rabbit pellets, I got much better quality pellets, and less fines in the feed, then I had been getting in bagged name brand feed.
It all depends on the pelletizer the mill is using, some machines make a great, hard, almost dustless pellets, and other [esp older drum type] machines make a soft, pellet with a lot of fines and crumbly pellets. I also made a 1/8 inch hardware cloth screen for the pellets to roll down on the way from the bulk bin to my wheelbarrow, and what fines there were ,fell through before getting to the wheelbarrow, -- the chickens and sows in the farrowing barn loved them.
That is my thinking. If it is good enough for commercial breeders, then it is probably good enough for most people raising rabbits.

If anyone in Ontario would like their contact information please let me know. Also, if there is anyone near the Innisfil area that would like to piggy back on an order I can add some on and then you can pick up from me.

They are sending me their ingredient and nutritional breakdown. I will post it when I get it.

Have a good one.
BrianRme":1l9k2cdx said:
It is not meant to be condescending. Unless you are an owner of Purina, then it was supposed to be. Why would anyone get offended by someone commenting that name brands are to expensive and that they are marketed towards pet owners? Because they are.

Just like going to the grocery store, things are cheaper if they do not have a label on them. Independent feed mills are usually much cheaper than name brands.

If you do not live near a feed mill, well then that is horrible. As feed mills are usually a whole lot less expensive and they have awesome customer service.

I found that a bit offensive too. Most pet people I know don't buy 50lb bags of Manna pro, they wouldn't even know what MannaPro, Rowe, Penpals, Blue Seal, or any of those other brand names were. Small World, Kaytee and Oxbow are marketed for pet people at $6 for a 5lb bag.

The others are marketed for show/hobby breeders, and really are not that expensive. I was getting Rowe and Penpals for $13/50lbs when my friend was picking up the bulk order. That's how I could afford to feed 75+ rabbits with no income to the rabbitry. The new feed is $14/50lb not a big increase. TSC MannaPro is $15.75.

And I live in the city, there isn't a feed mill for at least a 2 hr radius around me. I cannot store more than 6 bags of food. I certainly couldn't store loose feed anywhere.
Great price if the quality is there. I can't get that kind of price here. Brand name has little to do with it here. Feed quality and placement does. I'm with others, most pet people I know do not buy 50lb bags of feed at a time, saying it is just for pet people doesn't sit right as it makes it sound like only those that have pets would buy such food which is far from the truth. There are larger breeders/commercial that feed name brands to their stock, doesn't make them pet owners because they feed a brand. I was lucky enough to find feed for about 14/50lb in an hr drive this week instead of my normal 22/50lb bag after a almost 2 hr drive (gas for the trip not included in price). It is 15% protein instead of 18%, which I worry about but I'm adding extra stuffs to help with that and the fat/fiber content. More work for me, but far cheaper for a months worth of feed. Hopefully it will not affect the rabbits condition horribly, and maybe even help long run with getting coats/condition to hold longer the genetics are there but a straight consistent feed was not.
The bulk rate for feed would be wonderful, and it's great that you can have it delivered!
Thanks for the cost breakdown!

Haha, I pay far too much for mine!
We only go though between 30 and 50 lbs/week, but when there are a lot of fryers here it can cost me $80/month just for pellets. I haven't found anything at the local mills that I want to feed yet. I buy name-brand because it's the best (most easily digested) feed I can afford.

Medicated? What medicines are ever put into rabbit food?

There are a lot of us rabbit nuts in-between "pet people" and "commercial raisers" . Not quite hoarders, but...most people consider it an out-of-the-ordinary amount of rabbits for one person to keep :lol:
Most purebred rabbits are raised by people who are a bit more than pet owners.

FYI "Pet people" is kinda an offensive term around here because of...well, I think the majority of us do raise meat. That, and pet rabbit websites have gotten more than a little bit insane(you would have to see it to believe it), and most on here wouldn't want associated with people who carry that mentality.
Zass":2eu0oida said:
Medicated? What medicines are ever put into rabbit food?

1. Claim: As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria magna, E. media and E. stiedae in rabbits

That is what I have found out about it. $12 and some change is a nice price, especially since it is at the door price. I have never checked to see if there are any feed mills around me. I only feed 125lbs a month so could never make a minimum order.

Does the feed from the mill come in bags or is it just bulk loose? I may be mistaken but I thought Grumpy got his feed in bags.
With Jones- don't you also get 2% off if you pay in 10 days? When my husband had commercials- he used to feed their food. I just started with rabbits again and I am feeding co-ops feed. I think it's more expensive than Jones, but I'll have to check labels when I get home. They have a doe/litter feed and the a regular maintenance. Years ago I fed Martins- it was 9.95 for a 25kg bag, and was 4% fat- my dwarfs did REALLY well on that food but now it's up to 16.50/25kg.
Yes they give 2% off if paid in 10 days. That is another 42 cents off the price. This is not bulk. It is bagged in 25 kg bags.

I buy there non-GMO chicken feed and it is great. Unfortunately they do not do a non-GMO rabbit pellet.

I hope this post did not offend anyone. :?
ckcs":1k0btmxz said:
Zass":1k0btmxz said:
Medicated? What medicines are ever put into rabbit food?

1. Claim: As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria magna, E. media and E. stiedae in rabbits

I hope other people have found the "feed included" coccidistats more efective then I have, I have still had outbreaks when using them, in both Chickens and rabbits, and had to use other meds [like Corrid] to treat it.
It is NOT a good idea to give your Rabbits any Drugs
until you know the reason/need for them to have them.
The feeding of drugs of any kind before there is a need,
creats resistant germs to that treatment.
Treat only when you see something to treat and use the treatment for it's
entire treatment regimen.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: