Feed changeup a success

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dangerbunny":jbx4f2en said:
Anymore feedback on this stuff? heard other rabbit raisers talking about it but the name makes research difficult, lol.

Not much, we double dosed on the pregnant does and they've both had great looking kits with no runts, but two litters is hardly any kind of scientific evidence. Of the three products though, either the Cirqulate or the Immunize is not recommended for pregnant does because it can cause kits to become too large and have issues during birth. I'll ask this weekend which one it is. Not that I'll be using either one of those products because they are even more expensive than the regular oxygen feed.
MaggieJ":3nme8d6p said:
Next set of litters, try switching who gets the OxyGen. Keep the breeding pairs the same. That should tell you quite a bit about the effectiveness of the product for your rabbits.

Actually, a more scientific arrangement is to "control for" genetics by taking one litter and splitting it into two test groups -- one group gets the OxyGen and the other does not but all other feed/water/supplements exactly the same. You want to control for as many variables as possible so that you can zero in on the thing you are testing for.
Frecs":9hdvdeld said:
MaggieJ":9hdvdeld said:
Next set of litters, try switching who gets the OxyGen. Keep the breeding pairs the same. That should tell you quite a bit about the effectiveness of the product for your rabbits.

Actually, a more scientific arrangement is to "control for" genetics by taking one litter and splitting it into two test groups -- one group gets the OxyGen and the other does not but all other feed/water/supplements exactly the same. You want to control for as many variables as possible so that you can zero in on the thing you are testing for.

True... provided the kits from the litter chosen have nothing to choose between them for size to begin with. Really, to get more than a rough idea of its effectiveness, you would need a much larger test sample than just a couple of litters. But you have to start somewhere.
From the website: Oxy-Gen is a natural product containing Octacosanol which is derived from wheat germ extract. This natural ingredient packs a HUGE punch! Studies show that Octacosanol has been clinically proven to increase oxygen utilization during growth and activity.

Per webMD: Octacosanol is a chemical found in a variety of plants, including sugar cane and wheat germ oil. It is chemically similar to vitamin E. Octacosanol might help improve the way our body uses oxygen.

Well, wheat germ is easily gotten and for much less… (and, from reading some of those eBooks we get with our bunny bucks, wheat bran was a common feed for rabbits way back when…)

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