My newest litter is struggling, I think. They are 3 days old now, not sure if the doe has fed them on her own..but, we've turned her over for them to nurse for the last 2 nites. They still don't seem to get full looking, so I brought our other doe(who has a litter and is feeding them well) in and flipped her for them. Still not certain about them, especially a couple of them that seemed so lethargic they kept falling asleep while sucking/looking for a teat, etc.
They definetly don't look as full as the older kits do and did the first few days. In fact, the older kits maybe overfed if that's possible when there is 9 kits??? One out of that group is a runt and probably underfed.<br /><br />__________ Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:15 pm __________<br /><br />Actually, today they look fed-hooray! Last nite's feeding was difficult, hopefully we won't have to do that again!!