Fat Cat

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
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In July we adopted 2 senior cats Sampson and Delilah. Sampson was very thin and he has gained weight. Only problem is his sister was already fat and now she is a blimp. I never had a cat eat like her. We keep dry food down because Sampson and Midnight are thin. We also give the boys some wet food at night. Delilah gets no wet food. If there is no cat food out she eats the dog food. If no dog food she starts looking for crumbs on the floor. Midnight is about 9 years old, Sampson about 13 and Deliliah 15. Here is a picture of the blimp. This is how she rests.
We adopted a cat directly off the street in 1995. He weighed 11.4 lb and was skin and bones. His coat was brittle. His head was so large that I couldn't administer medication the usual way (holding him just behind the ears and making the jaw joint flip open) because his skull was TOO LARGE. So when I say he was "skin and bones" at 11.4 lb, that's what he was. :(

Fast forward two or three years, and Mr. Cat had recovered completely from starvation, malnutrition, etc. I took him to the vet for something--shots? yearly exam? abscess? (my cats still went outside then)--and the vet weighed him. Almost 16 lb! "Well, [name]," said the vet, "you seem to have become a rotund and prosperous citizen."

I loved it! We've used the phrase "rotund and prosperous" ever since. :lol:

Ahem...Miss Delilah?
One of my friends has a wooden box around the cat food, with a hole that only the thin ones can get too! But chubby Chester still tries
My boss had a cat like that. He was a rescue, but he weighed 24 pounds his whole life. Unfortunately, because he was a trailer park kitty and was in bred, and adding to that, that the hard water in that part of town ruined his kidneys, his life was only about 10 years, but none of his issues were weight related.

My mom has a 21 pound mutt too. It's surprising, but they usually do quite well.
We have a 20 pound citizen here too. She came to us front declawed. We've resorted to putting the cat food up on the cat climbing tree, so the other 2 and the 2 kittens can eat and grow, and she's rationed to 1/3 cup twice a day.

It is fun to watch her try and lick herself. she gets about 3 licks in and ends up involuntarily rolling over.
Now that is a rotund and prosperous cat OAF. Fat cats are funny to watch but sad too. I thought of moving the food up high but Sampson has something wrong with his hips. I figure she lived this long fat she can finish her life fat and happy.