False Pregnancy

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One of our does prepares her nest each pregnancy around day 10-12! She gets it all ready at that time making a great burrow. She then leaves it alone until around day 31 when she starts pulling fur and has the babies quickly after the fur pulling. She's not had a false pregnancy yet. Hopefully that is the case here too. Some does just like to be extra prepared I guess. :)
macksmom98":26rb8rm6 said:
Now she's pulling fur.....

Our doe pulled fur with a false pregnancy.
There are several possibilities (if you have the correct breeding date). Either she's pregnant and nesting early, or she's pregnant and going to have them too early, or she's having a false pregnancy.

Keep us updated!
I am 100% sure about the right breeding date. They have only been together twice where he has tried to mount her, 17 and 18
days ago. All are a step in the right direction, so I guess we are excited:). I sure will send updates!

-- Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:06 pm --

So most of the nest making, haystaching, and fur plucking is done. The growling and nipping has stopped, and my girl seems to enjoy and even want attention again. She's just mellowed out. This is day 19. I know it would be risky to see if they will mate again, but I have also read that after a false pregnancy (assuming this is what has happened) that females are super fertile and breeders should take advantage of this time. I feel since I am so inexperienced that it may be safer just to continue to wait it out for another couple of weeks or so, but wondered if anyone else has opinions or experience with fertility after false pregnancy? I should also add that my sense of urgency is largly fuled by the fact we live in South TX and will be looking at extreme heat in a few months. I would love to get at least one, but actually two litters in before that starts, just to be able to give our Doe the opportunity to get some experience under her belt and so she will be ready again in the fall. I don't plan on even trying to put her thru pregnancy during the summer, and will assume my Buck will likely go sterile too.
Even if she's actually pregnant, there's no harm in putting her with the buck. Obviously if they start fighting, remove her. If they mate, it doesn't mean she isn't already pregnant though. Good luck!
Good point. They weren't doing it when I was trying anyway, LOL:)

-- Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:44 am --

So I put them together and the magic definatly Happend! It was amazing to see how she acted with him when she was eager to breed, and once he was done. She seems like a super hormonal Doe, might always be that way. I got two successful fall offs and a squeal from him, lol:). I am much more confident now that we have the best shot yet of getting some babies. I think katiebear was right about him reading her as pregnant before, even tho it seems she really wasn't. We will keep watching and see! Hope my instincts are right and I didn't just screw up by doing that, but he definatly didn't do anything like today before:) He kind of wanted to try again and she immediately got real grouchy with him-not sure if I'll be able to get more than the 2 sucessful matings from her but hopefully that's all it will take!
She might have thought she was pregnant, or may have actually been pregnant and reabsorbed the kits. Or, she may still be pregnant and surprise you with a litter on her due date. Keep us posted! Oh, and congrats on the pair showing you they know what to do. ;)
Thanks Syberchick:) I see how silly it was now but I kinda thought we had a dud pair......he goes to school for bunny pic with my daughter tomorrow, and she's just going to get to relax and hopefully grow some kits for 31 days......or so:)

-- Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:00 pm --

Well they are keeping me guessing! We are 22 days out from the first breeding and she seems heavier and rounder. May still be part of the false pregnancy symptoms or maybe she is pregnant. Don't have long to wait and see now! Then we are day 3 from the 2nd breeding. She's still
off and on moody and working in her nest occasionally, but the frantic activity has still subsided:)
Update-I have been back off and on browsing topics but have waited things out here, and no babies. She has never had blood anywhere or any signs of having given birth at all. So I believe her first breeding was unsuccessful as I had thought. The nest is still there, and I think her second breeding (when I saw him fall off twice) may have worked. After about 10 days or so she became really moody again, tearing up her cage and lunging when we try to feed or pet her. Today is day 20 and the first time she was done building her nest by this point. Now the nest is still there but she's not been Haystaching more or adding to it yet (assuming she would). I put her in with the buck today and she growled and bit him. Last time day 20 she was ready to let him breed her. So all this being said, fingers crossed for babies after Easter!

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