False Pregnancy

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Feb 26, 2015
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South TX
Our pair of Holland Lops were together about 14 days ago. I don't think they mated correctly, and she is a first timer at 1 yr 3 no old. He is new to us-I put them together the day after we picked him up. He's 4 and was interested in breeding right away, as soon as I put her in his cage. Since the couple of times they tried to mate I have put them together several times and they want nothing to do with each other. I am treating her as pregnant just in case, and have not had any luck feeling anything when try to palpitate her (I am new to that as well), and I am really suspecting a false pregnancy if anything-I am guessing that the cause of them being uninterested in mating as she's sending signals that she's pregnant even if it's false. Does anyone have experience after a false pregnancy? Will they just naturally become interested in trying to breed again?
Interest in breeding is not really a reliable indicator as to pregnancy. I've read that SOME bucks 'can tell' and won't attempt to mate with a pregnant doe, but in my understanding, generally speaking, rabbits will often continue to mate throughout a pregnancy if left to their own devices. The only way to tell if your doe is pregnant is to wait until you can either definitely feel kits moving around or she has a litter. Be sure to provide her with a nest box at the appropriate time, just in case. Good luck!
Yes getting all set for her to have babies just on case......I just can't figure out with all I have read what else could cause them to loose interest in mating like they have....thank you for your opinion and response:)
Does aren't always ready to mate. They can go through periods of disinterest, which are usually short but sometimes people spend months trying to get a doe interested in breed again, and the buck may not try either during that time.
It's not my doe it's my buck. He was really interested at first and now, nada. I'm not saying she is or isn't ready but it just seems strange...I have been trying for a period of 15 days.
Four is prime age..so I wouldn't think he is disinterested in females...I believe he is reading her as pregnant.. I would give her a nest box, no later than 28, days after the first time..Rabbits can keep you guessing....
I have given up trying to rebreed now, but I am trying to figure out what the next step will be once we hit about day 35 and no babies.......she still has that change of temperament and I feel is acting a bit different than normal (cause in all my inexperience I just know I am a rabbit whisperer, lol) But I am just hoping they just don't give up trying, which is what it seems like has happened. I know it will just take some time, but I like to put a plan together so when we reach that date I will know which direction to go. I think my next step (assuming we do hit day 35 with no babies ) will be to swap cages and see if that helps:) I know most of you have followed my posts over the last 2 weeks and I appreciate your patience with me-I am really trying to let things be-but it's exciting because it is new and I am having so much fun learning about these guys, even if they are hard to figure out.
If there's one thing rabbits are known for, it's persistence in baby making. :lol: They don't give up easily. ;)
I don't-not yet. Eventually we plan to get one or 2 more does, but we are just getting started and trying not to take on too much too fast. I noticed he had mushy poop yesterday (first time I have seen this from either one of them-changed food to stratght pellets today instead of the pellets mixed with seeds and colored veggie/fruit pieces and feed Timothy hay and salads/greens still), so I am keeping an eye on that to see of there is a health problem or something else that could be causing him to be uninterested. And he is still getting to know us.
Honestly tho, he kinda looks down/shy. I Know it takes a little while to adjust to a new home, and he does perk up when we let him out, feed him, or put them together and excercise them. The lady I got him from said she didn't hold him because she wanted to make sure he did his job (breed). I thought that was strange but are there steps like that that are benificial to promote breeding? :bunnyhop:
macksmom98":3bp8er56 said:
The lady I got him from said she didn't hold him because she wanted to make sure he did his job (breed). I thought that was strange but are there steps like that that are benificial to promote breeding? :bunnyhop:

:shock: :shock:

Uhhhh yeah... that's ridiculous.
I think the happiest bunnies are probably the most willing to 'do their job'.

Our buck is super friendly, loves to cuddle and give kisses and he's a randy bugger. :oops:
Good-he's a lot less territorial than our doe and likes to be loved on. He's still not real comfortable being held but we are working on that , as I understand it's not a natural thing for them anyway. His favorite position seems to be on his back, which makes nail filing and checking him over easy:). And no more runny poo. Seems to be fine now:)
-changed food to stratght pellets today instead of the pellets mixed with seeds and colored veggie/fruit pieces and feed Timothy hay and salads/greens still),
Hello macksmom98,
what you did was a very good choice. You might want to limit/STOP the veggies altogrther
at least until everything is up to snuff.
Many pet people tend to lean toward the pretty/colorful what they are lead to believe
is better for their Pet bunny do to the info foisted by HRS.
It's not true! Your rabbit will be much better off with the nutritionally balanced
diet provided by Pelleted rabbit feed from a local feed store.
If at all possible I would avoid the sugar loaded colorful rabbit feeds.
Sugar is a KILLER for Rabbits! As always, JMPO.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
My doe is acting extra hungry-it's day 15-is this a sign of pregnancy? And thanks for reinforcing my decision Ottersatin, I had read that but was trying to use what I had purchased up first. Once he had the runny poo I just chucked it all. Sticking with pellets and Timothy Hay:)
macksmom98":h6dvtoe9 said:
Good-he's a lot less territorial than our doe and likes to be loved on. He's still not real comfortable being held but we are working on that , as I understand it's not a natural thing for them anyway. His favorite position seems to be on his back, which makes nail filing and checking him over easy:). And no more runny poo. Seems to be fine now:)

Yay! Congrats! Some bunnies enjoy being cuddled. They can learn to tolerate, even enjoy being held. It's important to their emotional health to feel well groomed, they're very touchy feely animals. :)
Today I found hay sprigs in the nest box-ours is attached to the side of her cage. It looked nothing like a nest but she obviously picked it up and moved it there because it's normally located on the completely opposite side. I saw her pick some up yesterday and toss it around. Today is day 16 and that is all new behavior as far as I know. Isn't it a little too early for her to be getting ready to kindle and still more indicating a false pregnancy? Or maybe she's just being hormonal and re arranging things? Her litter pan was also tipped over and even last week she was re arranging her home:)
To early to tell. Have you tried gently palpating? As others have suggested, you can try it on your buck first, for comparison. Just be sure you are gentle so you don't accidentally hurt any kits, but if they are there, you should be able to feel them with any luck.

Worst case, you have less than 2 weeks to wait until you know for sure. :D
She won't let me reach under her easily (growls and nips), so I haven't been able to do it that way but I did check with her on her back and felt nothing. Not sure I know the exact right place to feel..... <br /><br /> -- Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:06 am -- <br /><br /> Haystaching happening in full force-I put her hay in and watched her try to get the biggest bundle in her mouth that she could (yes, it's super cute) and carry it to her nest box. So I decided to oblige her and dumped a bunch in. It's day 17 so still thinking pseudopregnancy but there is no harm in preparing just in case or letting her practice right? Loving it!
My best doe will build her nest two weeks early,and rebuild it a few times. She pulled a little fur yesterday, she is due this weekend....she has never missed in six breedings. This is number seven. And is an excellent mom. She loves to have little ones and I think she is just getting ready...may be what your doe is doing. :?:
Still hope so:). No fur pulling yet. But either way I am glad to see something happening, would love it to end with healthy babies! I understand a false pregnancy should peak about days 16-18. Does that mean if she's still working on her nest and things after that then we are more likely to have actual pregnancy? As I have said before I know until we have babies we won't be for sure, but I am enjoying learning behaviors and what types of behavior generally go along with different things, especially pregnancy:)

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