Eviction notice signed

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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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Well my midwife signed the eviction notice today. :lol: Tuesday morning I am being induced. So by Tuesday afternoon baby Ethan should be here! I cant believe it is almost over, kind of bittersweet, on one hand I cant wait to see him on the other hand this will be my last pregnancy so no more feeling the little bugger moving inside me :( Of course I will definitely not miss the gestational diabetes!!
I thought the same too, lol.

I imagine the waiting must have been hard, and you're pretty anxious to meet the little guy. I have a hard enough time waiting 30 days to meet new kits, waiting 9 mos to meet a person would drive me crazy :)

Prayers that all goes smoothly.
*prayers sent*

Energetic, Talented, Healthy, Admirable, Nice. (some small hopes for your son)
grumpy":p9vtbisf said:
:x :x :x I thought you were gettin' bounced out of your house. LOL..
I thought so at first too, and held off a hot moment from reading the post because it has been a fractious fall & one more bit of bad news on a friday felt like it might be too much...:anti-sad:
what a treat to read the good news this morning, instead! (And what a :lol: way to put it--love it!) Sending good thoughts and best wishes for a smooth, easy delivery! We'll be anxiously waiting to hear more about this wonderful new person who is going to be joining our world. Bet the older kids are excited...
For all 3 of my kids we had dates set too, although I went into labor for all 3 of them the same day I had to head to the hospital to have them. You will do great!!!!
Sorry for the scare :lol: And thanks for the prayers and well wishes!

We was hoping he would come on his own, I am dilated to 4cm and have been so for over a week now, but he is being stubborn :lol: Still a chance he could come before Tuesday but I am not holding my breath.