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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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Got a little time right now to actually get on the computer for a minute, so I thought I would share my birth story to those interested. *Warning sad story with a happy ending*

Went in Tuesday November 11th for what was supposed to be a routine induction/birth. Everything was going great at first, Pitocin was working like its supposed to then my bodies natural contractions started to kick in full force so they stopped the Pitocin. Through almost the whole labor Ethan was very active moving around, kicking and even had the hiccups.

The time came for me to start pushing, that's when things started to go down hill. He had moved out of the proper position while I was contracting so he got stuck for a while. After an hour of pushing he finally came out. What should have been one of the happiest moments of my life quickly turned into the worst. After they put him on my stomach I heard what no mother wants to hear. My midwife called a Code Blue, Ethan came out clinically dead, he was gray, not breathing and no heart beat. Everything is still confusing to me as I was in shock, but they got his heart started quickly and he started breathing again. They took him away before I could even see him or hold him. I finally got to see him a 10pm, (he was born at 3:17) but I still want allowed to hold him. At 1 am they decided to send him to the NICU @Toledo Childrens Hospital, we was still lethargic, his white blood cell count was above the acceptable count, and he was spitting up bile.

Ethan spent 4 days in the NICU where they gave him antibiotics, and ran tests. We still don't know what exactly was wrong, as all the bacteria cultures come back negative. Dr. said sometimes things like this happen and was probably from the trauma he went through during birth. We got to bring him home Saturday afternoon and he has been doing great!

So anyways Ethan James was born weighing in at 7 pounds 10 1/2 ounces. 20 inches long. Its funny how much he looks like my oldest son. He has dark hair right now, but it will be blonde (his eyebrows and eyelashes are light), just like my oldest. he also has blue eyes.

I will post some pictures later after I get them put on the computer.
wow.... Lucky kid! Glad he got through that. I was crossing my fingers while reading. That's great he's doing alright now! <3
My niece that was born in September was 20 in long when she was born too.
Congratulations!! :clap:

So happy it ended well for you both!! I know that was scary.

My son just turned one, and it literally seems like he was born yesterday.
Oh, Jessica! I am so sorry that you both had such a difficult time! :cry: You must have been so scared and worried! (((HUGS!!!)))

I know that you raise your kids in a similar way to how I did, so this might be "preaching to the choir", but I would wear him all of the time, and definitely sleep with him. Babies tend to have more regular breathing when they can feel and hear mom's heartbeat, and are more active.

I am so glad that all is well now, and that Ethan is home where he belongs. :)
He is quiet the handsome little fellow! I was wondering what happened to get him up to Toledo. Hopefully, once it gets warmer again, we will bump into you and I can see him in person.
I am so very glad that everyone is doing so well now. I got teary eyed while I was reading his story. :( Hope he continues to be a healthy happy baby boy. :D
I'm so sorry to hear you had such a scary birth experience, but I'm so happy you and Ethan are doing well. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! :)
I am so sorry to hear about the scare. And I am thrilled it has a happy ending. My heart dropped into my stomache reading this; that must have been terrifying for you. Glad you're both home. I echo what MSD said about wearing him & tucking him in bed with you. Will be good in many ways (and easier to nurse at night as a bonus.) Congratulations and glad the family is all together.
He is definitely a fighter! He had his check up yesterday. Dr. said he is perfect, he is almost back to his birth weight and he grew a half an inch. :D

He loves to sleep in bed with us, and yes it makes nursing so much easier, which was a struggle the first couple of days. He was used to a bottle, because they wouldn't take his IV out until he was drinking a measured amount, which they couldnt measure if he was nursing. Let me say pumping sucks!!


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Ohhhh! He is beautiful!


Boy, do I miss the smell of a newborn baby! *Sigh* I want to sniff his little baby head, lol!

He looks so content, Jessica! I am so happy for you! What a wonderful gift he is. :)

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