English spot and Rhinelander?

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Jun 30, 2011
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While my mother was looking for hutches on craigslist (apparently we need more rabbits :lol: ) she found someone looking to sell some show quaility Rhinelander and English spot rabbits.....after calling her we were invited to come and look at them any time (the lady is very supportive of 4her's)
I read a little about both breeds online they are both amazing looking animals .........long story short I was wondering if anyone on here raises either breed and what your opinions of them are...

I had English Spots briefly as a 4-Her. I found them discouraging, it was very difficult to get good show prospects. Unless you're really into the idea of having lots of culls for the freezer, they aren't really breeds I would get into. Some lines can also be very high strung and difficult to handle.

That being said, go check them out and see what the lady has to say. Maybe getting one for a rabbit hopping prospect would be more your speed, as opposed to finding a breed to keep for breeding and showing?
I have Checkereds which are similar to Rhinelanders, and a close friend of mine does raise Rhinelanders. She loves them, but PulpFiction is right, it can get discouraging. I don't know about Spots, but I love Rhinelanders' personalities. My friend has them with all colors of temperments - a buck of hers is a complete teddy bear, and one of her does takes the word "diva" to a whole new level.

Just make sure you have the space, and I know solid floored cages are encouraged so that they run correctly.
Both breeds are very challenging, all of the marked breeds are. Not one I would choose just starting out, in fact I love Rhinelanders but will not get into them, and I'm an oldtimer. One of our 4H kids does have English Spots, I like them for their size and regular rabbit looks. Their similiar in build and size to my Silvers, but slimmer, and the personality is much more spooky. Not a huggy sort of bunny I'm afraid. You might want to research some more breeds.
thanks for the replys... at the moment I have holland lops, a jersey wooly, a couple mini rexs, and some mini lops......I'm not saying I'm an expert (far from it) but it would not be my first rabbit or anythig like that...I'm thinking I'm going to take the breeder up on her offer of a visit :) and see if I'm up to the challenge.
Word of warning -

Upon getting a running breed, you'll feel compelled to sell off all of your other rabbits and fill your cages with the running breed. Hope you're not too attached to your Hollands ;)

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