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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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Shivers with the creepy crawlies!!! Was working in the barn, feeding rabbits and ponies, and then sat down in the rabbitry to update my cage cards. Felt something crawling in my ear, and it was a wood tick!!!!!! EWWWWWWW!!!!! Thank goodness it was only walking, and not attached!! I can't imagine trying to remove a tick from inside my ear!!!
Oh bad memory bad memory bad memory [[shivers up spine]]
Had tick IN my ear canal! I could hear it but couldn't feel it :shock: and then it tickled. got the tweezers and pulled it out. It wasn't attached either but.....Ick! Went and took a long shower after that. I don't get grossed out easily but that did it for me that day by gosh!
:fainting: I'll be having the heebeejeebees for the rest of the day. I hate those little dudes! Glad it didn't lach on fuzzy...and you too AmmysMacdog.
Ok, that REALLY creeps me out now AmysMacDog! To be able to hear it in the canal! EWWWW!!

Sorry for the heebeejeebees JDWest! :lol:
I had 6 ticks on me in one day... and also, I stepped on a full cow tick once. Blood everywhere. And then one time my dog brought in TONS (about 30) baby ticks in the house. And I find them in my hair...

Oh, one time I also had a silver dollar sized furry spider climbing up my leg. It was so hefty that when I sweeped it off, it hung on to my leg.
LOL! Still have the creepy crawlies after reading this again! :lol: Shivers!