EEEEK the babies got away!

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2011
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I have three litters going at once right now. One set is 5 weeks old, one is a lil over three weeks I think and the last was born April 2. That middle litter grew fast and were fiesty....been jumping out of the nesting box since they were like 10 days old....Literally jumping out.... It's warm so I placed hay around to keep um snug. Well these lil ones are so active that they dart all the time :twisted: ...when the DH went in to feed them today ....5 jumped out of the hutch hit the ground and took off.....he scrambled but 3 took off, one he watched dart through the fence across 1/2 acre and into the next acre.....They are still nursing, even though they have been out of the box for a while now....Any chance they will come back? Is that even practical? Any chance they can survive? I really can't tell ya if they were eating pellets with mama yet or nibbling the hay? Possible??....they matured way faster then my first litter.....I didn't even get follow up pictures :/ The good news is....the other litters are doing well, so we have we still have 15 babies.....and my first Doe, Oreo, who lost her first entire litter to the fire ants has been successful the second time around with 5 healthy kits :) I'll get pics.....
I've had a few babies get away and disappear... Looked everywhere... waited until things calmed down and they came back around in the evening when things were quiet. Even had an adult get away once... same thing... came back to the rabbit area at evening time. So far I've managed to catch every one.

Good luck!
If you have a live trap that will contain them, set that and put in pellets, water and something nice like an apple slice or bit of carrot to entice them. You'll only catch one at a time, but it may help. We had escapees this spring. MidnightCoder went down with a small flashlight just after dark and managed to find them, all but one. They seemed attracted to the light shining on the ground. guys are right! After I read your posts the DH and I went out and sure enough they were boppin two back so far...have two live traps set and we will go back out again in a little while.....AS far as that lil thing traveled I'm shocked they could come back.....I am so happy to have two back at's hoping for the third returning....
I hope this works out for you. I've had several kits and rabbits lost overnight, they always come back.
Lost one today, found him in a few minutes, it helps that he was white.
Yeah :clap: :clap2: ... the prodigal son :bunnyhop: did return...and is home safe and sound with mama.......I was at work when I first posted and didn't have my dates exact....these bunnies were only 2 weeks and 4 days old.........WOW.....they are way bigger and active than that first litter........Glad they are all home and safe......:)
We have a couple of escape artists in the litter too. They will jump out the moment the door is open and then want back in once the see that is where the pellets and hay are going.

Had one that made a run for it, but came back after an hour or so. They are like teenagers- eager to get out on their own till they find out that they have to work for their food rather than have it handed to them.
I never would have thought little bunnies would make a break for it like that! :shock:

It is hard to believe they all made it safely back home.

I hope that their wanderlust has been satisfied and they stay home where they are safe! :clover: