Ear mites

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Active member
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Winder GA
I have a male rabbit with a crusty ear. I think it's mites. It looks as his ear is crusted shut with one giant scab. I googled ear mites in rabbits and read some things to try and other post say not to so I figured maybe someone on here has better experience dealing with mites and could give me some advice. I can try to get some pics if I get home from work befor dark tomorrow. Thanks in advance.
You can drown them with mineral or vegetable oil, it will also soften the crud up to help wipe it away and can do no harm. Keep him isolated and far away from your other buns. Once you get pictures up we can advise on if t is actually mites.

DO you have access to a microscope? Even under a good magnifying glass you can see them moving about.
I don't have a microscope.... He's not very friendly right now but I will try to get some pics.
Veggie oil it today, two days from now, add a bit more oil. In two weeks, reapply the oil and all should be fine.
NO NEED to clean out the ears, let the rabbit do it itself!
Like those 2 said, vegi oil, mineral oil, pretty much any food grade oil. Keeps the mites from breathing. Same type of treatment you have for scale mites on chickens.
Earsolv will get rid of mites in the ears but you will have to put it n the paws as well or he will reinfect their ears when they scratch. The mites live between their paws also. Try Earsolv.com
I just treated all mine today-- They all had clean ears before the kittens came to stay-- OOPS!! SpookyKitty was NOT happy-- Marsha threw a fit--- The other rabbits tolerated the dosing-- I did a double hit-- ivermectin and oil--