Dwarf Papillon?

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2017
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What are these guys? They look like English spots to me (marking wise) and are apparently a newer breed to the US. I can't find anything about them except for a facebook page that doesn't explain them very well or the history.

If I can find out more about this neat little breed I may look into keeping them.. maybe. XD
They're recently imported by randy shumaker & others in california. They have a COD right now -- three colors (black, blue & chocolate). The weights are 2 ½ to 4 ¼ pounds (much smaller than an english spot). They're a dwarf version of the papillon breed, which is similar to the checkered giant (originating from the same breed), except it comes in more colors and can have groupings of spots on the side instead of just the two spots like a checkered giant. This group imported them from a few different countries mostly from continental europe. I wouldn't hold your breath on getting some; the first trio that the COD presentation group sold went for $2650 at auction a few weeks ago. They don't want to sell too many until they've gotten further with the breed. Similar to mini checkereds which were imported around the same time.

That one in the picture doesn't look as much like a (american) dwarf papillon. The ears are very large.
Here's some dwarf papillon pictures, from shumaker (& maddie pratt I think)




__________ September 23rd, 2017, 6:45 pm __________

And here is the standard:

Dwarf Papillon
Varieties: Black - Blue - Chocolate
GENERAL TYPE.........................................51
Feet & Legs.................................................6
Side Markings.............................................10
Eye Circles...................................................3
Cheek Spots.................................................3
TOTAL POINTS...........................................100

Senior Bucks & Does: 6 months of age and over, weight 2 ½ to 4 ¼ pounds.
Junior Bucks & Does: Under 6 months of age, not over 3 ¾ pounds. Minimum weight 2 pounds.
Note: Juniors may be shown in a higher age classification. No animal may be shown in a lower age classification than its true age.
The body is relatively stocky. Shoulders and hindquarters of equal width are preferred; a slight taper between the hindquarters and shoulders is permissible. The topline is rather short and well rounded over the hindquarters.
Faults: Long legs, long bodies, flat or chopped hindquarters, dewlap.
The head is to be bold and well-proportioned to the size of the body. The head is to set short to the body. The muzzle and forehead are relatively wide and pronounced.
Faults: Long narrow head or long neck, head lacking boldness, pinched muzzle.
The ears are to be in proportion to the head and body. They stand erect in a slightly open V-shape. They should be rounded off nicely, erect and of good substance and well furred. Ears are to be 2 ¼ inches to 3 ¼ inches.
Faults: Thin or pointed ears, ears over 3 ¼ or under 2 ¼.
The front legs are to be short and extended slightly. The hind legs are to be parallel to the body. Toenails are to be white.
Faults: Extremely long legs, weak ankles, hind legs set in a V shape or carried close together.
Disqualification: Any colored toenail.
FUR (Flyback):
The fur is to be short, dense and fine in texture.
Faults: Long, thin coat; guard hairs too long; molting coat; lacking density
Black: The color is to be an intense glossy black. The black color should be carried as deep as possible to a slate-blue under color. Eyes: Brown
Blue: The color is to be a rich, clear, dark blue that is carried as deep as possible to a slate blue under color. Eyes: Blue-Gray
Chocolate: The color is to be a rich, glossy, dark chocolate brown that is carried as deep as possible to a dove-gray under color. Eyes: Brown (with a ruby cast permissible).
Faults: Any markings having excessive white hairs, faded or light surface color.
Disqualifications: Markings containing two colors.
Side Markings: The side markings consist of individual spots, as separate as possible, in the size range about ¾ inches to 1¼ inches in diameter. They should be distributed evenly on both sides on the flanks and thighs. On each side, about 5 to 7 side spots are desired. Side markings should be balanced. Spots on the chest, abdomen, legs or bottom of the tail are allowed.
Faults: One stray spot forward of the midpoint of the body on one or both sides; unbalanced side markings.
Disqualifications: Less than 3 individual spots or groups of spots on either side; two or more stray spots forward of the midpoint of the body on one or both sides; neck spots that are within ¾ inches of the spine marking are not considered as stray spots.
SPINE MARKING: The spine marking is to be a strip of color beginning at the ear base and running in an unbroken line along the back through the tip of the tail. Edges are to be even. Width is to be in proportion to the other markings.
Faults: Weak tail color, herringbone-like effect, jagged edges, breaks, drags.
Disqualifications: More than one break in the spine, including tail. A single break that is more than ¼ inch long.
EAR MARKINGS: Ear markings are to be a solid marking color down to the base. Color
to be sharp cut (capped) at ear base.
Faults: White drags at ear base, ragged or uneven ear base.
Disqualification: Any white spot(s) on ears.
BUTTERFLY: The marking is to be in the shape of a butterfly. Wings are to circle the nose from lip to lip, with the body of the butterfly (nose fork) in proportion to the wings and extending toward the forehead.
Faults: Irregular shaped wings; poorly shaped nose fork; nose fork being out of proportion to wings of butterfly; mealy color on upper lip; scattered white hairs on butterfly.
Disqualification: Split butterfly, white spot(s) in butterfly, a strip of white along the lower edge of upper lip.
EYE CIRCLES: The Eyes are to be surrounded by an even marking of color. Both eye circles are to be alike and in balance with the rest of the head markings. They are to be separated from ear markings, cheek spots and the butterfly.
Faults: Drags; ragged or uneven.
Disqualification: Any connection to other marking(s)
CHEEK SPOTS: Cheek spots are to be a round spot of color on each cheek, well balanced with other head markings and well separated from the eye circles.
Faults: Barred; lack of roundness; large and out of balance.
Disqualifications: Double cheek spot on either side; absence of either cheek spot.
HEAD MARKINGS: The head is to be free of stray spots.
Disqualification: More than one stray head spot.
CONDITION – 5 Points: Per ARBA definition.
I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!! I must control myself.....I'm already getting 4 new rabbits soon......but they......they.....ARE SO CUTE I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!! :wr_love:
I know I'm resurrecting a zombie thread but...the COD holders in California aren't the only ones who have these critters. There's several of us in Michigan who keep/breed these. I got my foundation trio for a couple hundred bucks. They are lively, active little goobers who love to play and are just an absolute delight. I got them as a secondary breed before a predator attack and some bad luck drove me out of English Lops...so right now they are the only buns I've got. They are just wonderful!!!
Maddie Pratt in michigan is part of the COD group I believe, they've sold some more since the last post was written
They look gorgeous, please share pictures : )
SableSteel":8ai9jvwe said:
They look gorgeous, please share pictures : )

I think they're super cute too, I love the checkered markings... if only I could get that nice of a butterfly on my broken Rex! :oops:
I'm gonna do a photo shoot of my best kit, the only cleanly marked, correct one I've got...my foundation stock are all sports and charlies. :)

I'll post tons of photos soon though! Henry is best bunny. :love:
It would be cheaper to use Netherland with the broken pattern and selvetly breed for the markings ;)

Photos from google images


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