Dutch color ??

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
Amarillo TX
I'll confess that I've read enough genetics posts to be more than moderately confused. The current plan is that we are focusing on blue, black & chocolate...and now some evil person is offering a tort buck :eek: I have no clue what kind of genes I'm (maybe) adding or if this has the potential to really make a mess. Help me, o gurus of genetics!
Tort is basically a black rabbit with two ee genes instead of E_. It's recessive. I think in Dutches only black torts are accepted? Not my breed.

Does this help? I can probably answer more questions if it doesn't...
To be nice about it, he wasn't going to be a good fit in our program :( Cool color though!

And, yes, Cspr, that did help. Thanks!
I have dutch- and mine are the same colors- blue, black and chocolate. I agree with Cspr that the tort is recessive. If I understand correctly, you can get any and all the colors from the three mains.