Due any time now

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2010
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Rainbow my Sr Cal doe who was bought pregnant but didn't deliver was re- bred 31 days ago, in the afternoon. The last doe who was bred at this time didn't have her kits until the next morning on day 32 after 10:00. I was thinking this one might be early as she has been nesting for about 10 days.
For me it's almost like Christmas waiting for a new litter. She has not pulled any hair yet but Hanna didn't pull until a half hour before she had them. I will be very bummed out if she doesn't have any this time as two people felt kits this time, her personality has changed and her eating habits as well which all can point to getting ready to kindle.
I guess I'm just looking for a little bunny dust to sprinkle on her ;)

On a good note Hannas kits are all peeking at me and still seem to be growing well. A few keep coming out of the nest box and we keep sticking them back in. We have had some very mild evenings so they don't seem to mind the cold.

I hope to post some new kit pics within the next few days.
I have no bunny dust, gave it all away. Lol. Here's hoping you get your litter!<br /><br />__________ Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:25 am __________<br /><br />I have no bunny dust, gave it all away. Lol. Here's hoping you get your litter!
Mama-san and Clone are due now, too. It's obvious that they're pregnant tho, unlike your girl. Mama lays down now and her belly just oozes out about 6 inches on each side of her. When she stands, it looks like she's sitting. :lol:

I'll send some bunny dust your way..whooooosoh!!! Good luck with doe. And I'm looking forward to those pictures! I love the kits when they start looking out at the world. It's like "hello. what's that? and that? and that?"
Thank you for the dust! I know they are in there as I can see movement and feel them. (had to go out and visit with her for awhile) I just want them to hurry up and get done so I can see them too!LOL

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