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big bucks ny

Active member
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
ithaca ny
Finally had my nzw doe give me three kits today after missing last breeding along with my cali and f lop does. She only had three but one is quite large and the other two normal but all healthy and fed. I think heat was my issue last time. Just wondering if I should be worried about the large size diff in them like bullying or trampling?
Congrats on the 3 kits. They should be ok since there are only 3 of them but watch just in case.
You have french lops? I have a buck and haven't been able to find any does to go with him! They sure are hard to find! :)
Got her free and she is great, friendly, good mom, and has helped my learning curve tremendously. My only regret is not getting her boyfriend, also free, but I wanted to breed for meat and already had a nz buck. Her lastlitter I kept back two a steel buck that lopped and a longhaired doe that helied, and they are great. Plan on breeding them to my nzr line, and possibly back to her to see if I can keep some lop genes with cool colors.
I think its time to eat that nz doe. She flipped her nestbox lastnight and all three kits were dead on the wire this morning. That's twice she's done that and twice she's missed with only one sucesful litter. If I spare her the club, and that's a big if, when should I rebreed her. Oh yeah she tried to attack me this morning thank god for welding gloves. So to eat or rebreed that is the question
If (IF is a really big word sometimes! LOL) you breed her again, you could breed her today. She is likely to be receptive now and being so grumpy it sounds like she may be.
I had a doe once that moved her wood nestbox all over and I was afraid she'd squash her babies that were 2 wks old and beginning to venture out of the box. I added a couple of nails and wired it in the corner of the cage. I think Dood has the wood nestbox that hangs on the outside of the cage, that may also be a great idea for your doe. I'm going to build me some hanging nestboxes for myself soon. Good luck! :clover: :)
Thanks, I'm still undecided but I'll figure it out by tomorrow. I've got a lot invested in her time wise but I've got replacements.<br /><br />__________ Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:56 pm __________<br /><br />I just rebred her, he got her three times. This is it though I swear! She is within a day of my cali and a week off of my lop so I should have a foster if worse comes to worse.
Six of my cages have all wire nest boxes attached to the bottoms of the cage. I LOVE them! Does cant flip the nest and the kits cant get dragged out as she has to jump out.

Good luck with her!

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