Double pregnancy or retained tissue/ kits?

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New member
Mar 26, 2011
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evansville, in
I am gonna try and keep this short and sweet but I hope to gain some feedback from you guys. 4 days ago my rabbit had a litter, 7 babies after being with our male (accidentally) for only a few hours back on 2/20. Our toddler let the male out while female was having some yard time, we hadn't planned on breeding them.

Anyway she had her 7 babies and did good taking care of them until yesterday when she didn't feed them or whatever. They all died and now she's having the stinky labor discharge again (starting at noon yesterday). She's still not delivered anymore babies but I suspect a double pregnancy and this being her 2nd labor. She had the discharge a day or so before she birthed the last litter so I think she's just gonna have more babies. But I am no expert rabbit breeder so I turn to the experienced ones for input.

Does she seem to be in distress or needing a vet or is this normal labor?

I have blogged the details of the whole ordeal and have a live video feed of my bunny up on the following site if you want to see it ->
Is she carrying hay? Is she building a nest and pulling fur?
I would leave the nestbox for a few days and see what takes place.
You never know but she may be going through a false pregnancy.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
A double pregnancy would mean the buck was in with her a second time somewhere around 4 days later. The fact that you are mentioning a "stinky discharge" indicates a stuck/dead kit or other serious issue. I do believe she needs a vet. Rabbits sometimes have a small amount of blood but not an actual discharge.If there is a significant size difference between the buck and doe with the buck being the larger this may also create problems for delivery.
Devon's Mom Lauren":tmq0cpf5 said:
The fact that you are mentioning a "stinky discharge" indicates a stuck/dead kit or other serious issue.

She had the same discharge about 48 hours before she delivered the litter of 7 babies 5 days ago, she also had loose stools. Now the discharge is gone and she's acting like she's not in labor or about to be. She's eating and drinking and isn't as focused and zoned in now. So weird.

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