Most of my friends hunt, not because they save money on food, but, because they like it, it is an old tradition, and they love vennison, I get at least one deer every year from those who are too busy to take care of those they kill. We have at least a doz laying on the road every morning in the 20 min drive to where I was working, this time of year,[near Zion Nat Park] but-- the deer on the road belong to the king, and we are not suposed to take them, they just rot, until the county truck takes them to a special dump. I try to drive the mini-van as it is a lot cheeper on gas then my old ford truck, but-- the mini-van is made of plastic, so-- it is a long slow trip while driving around the deer in the road, [both alive and dead] because if I hit one it will ruin the van, and probly roll up into my lap.
I think we should be allowed to take the dead deer if we wish, -- but-- i hear --they are afriad we will hit them on purpose if they let us have them.
I am glad we have so many deer here as it looks like we may need them,
[the following is a pollitical rant so you can ignore it if you wish]
I see the US threatening, russia, China, Iran, Syria, Pakastan, Saudi, s, some of the other former russian countries,[like Ukrane] insulting and then threatening India, and I wonder just what our bosses have in mind for the US, but-- it is surely not peace.
The American people are so gullible [and people in general] that our Gov. can demo a couple of buildings and tell them that Bin laddon did it and we will go to war, and attack a country that we know had nothing to do with it.
I see very little hope for a peaceful end to this madness.
If Americans knew that they were just cattle for the Globalists, a lot would be unhappy, but-- a lot would still be content if they had their fancy car, beer, and lust games. I think a lot of people love their servitude.
I think we are in for a bumpy ride very soon, and those who love the "system" will not be prepared for anything bad to happen, I have talked to people who believe that the News would tell them if we had problems, then the Gov. would make provisions to "take care of all of us" if something bad was going to happen.
I just ask my self , "if I were in charge",-what I would do if there was going to be a big disaster, if there was nothing we could do to fix it, --I would not tell everyone, as the panic would just add body bags to the situation. I would just let the news trickle out through other outlets, so those who were watching the situation, and wanted to believe, could have a chance to get ready to survive. but-- in the cities,-- there is nothing anyone can do to save them, they are just like people in a theater, when someone yells fire.
and no agency could "take care of them" in a disaster, it is hopeless.
so-- that is why I try to take care of myself, and not rely on Gov. to come and save me. --as much as I dislike our"leader" and his lies, I wonder if I would do things differently, -- or-- not- the question that begs to be answered-- is-- what does he and his puppeteers know that I do not??