Dont kill the deer!

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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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I was at my moms Sunday and she said a good one. I just had to let someone else get a laugh out of this.

Conversation goes...

Son: Grandma, you should get me a gun for Christmas.

gma: what do you need a gun for?

son: so I can go deer hunting.

gma: You don't need to go deer hunting! That's what cows were invented for, so people don't have to go out and kill deer! Maybe back in the pioneer days they needed to hunt deer for meat, but we no longer need to since cows were invented.

:lol: :lol: Did I mention my mom used to do a lot of drugs when she was younger!
:hmm: I bet they were.

Now if they would just invent self butchering animals, it would make my job so much easier, or at least self plucking chickens!
I have a theory like your Mom, - slightly modified, but not too far off, -- I think that by the time I would buy a licence,deer tag, ammo, target practice, and drive my gas-guzzler around looking for deer, I would have far less expencive meat in my rabbit cages, or sheep pen.
I have not hunted deer very much, since I left the 'Farm" when I was 15, before that- it was my job to make sure there was meat , and vegetables on the table for 9 kids and my Mother., in a family with almost no money, there was never enough rabbits or chickens, ---and --
I slayed a bunch of deer, [as well as a lot of other animals].
JessicaR":kqzb4trm said:
:hmm: I bet they were.

Now if they would just invent self butchering animals, it would make my job so much easier, or at least self plucking chickens!

Girl, they do! Haven't you been in a grocery store befur? They have meat on these little syrofoam trays wrapped in plastic wrap...meat for your enjoyment AND no animals were harmed in the process!

Back when I worked at a group home in Arkansas...did you know that the first week of deer season is a school holiday in Arkansas? all those poor deer...they need some of those cows in Arkansas so they don't have to waste all that time and schoolin' on trying to kill deer...
They actually bring in sharpshooters here to thin out the deer because the population is so big they are a major road hazard.

We just pay the processing fee for deer other people have killed. There's also several elk farms nearby which is quite similar to venison.
Frecs, :lol: :lol: :lol:

We have lots of deer here in Ohio too, lots of car deer accidents around this time of year. Last month I was driving home form a nearby city and out in a field not more than 10 feet off the road was a big buck, just watching the cars go by.
Zass":1rvd6l0v said:
I call it "Bambi" syndrome

Got my first whitetail this year.
After a year of eating rabbit, she is SO delicious.

My first one was in 1976 , walking to my stand with my grandfather , a fat doe popped out of the brush .... I was all of 8 and used a single barrel Stevens 410. She made good sausage.

My how times have changed ....
JessicaR":2n6qcodr said:
That's what cows were invented for, so people don't have to go out and kill deer! Maybe back in the pioneer days they needed to hunt deer for meat, but we no longer need to since cows were invented.


Frecs":24yrgh9w said:
Girl, they do! Haven't you been in a grocery store befur? They have meat on these little syrofoam trays wrapped in plastic wrap...meat for your enjoyment AND no animals were harmed in the process!

JessicaR":2wzjre9h said:
Frecs, :lol: :lol: :lol:

We have lots of deer here in Ohio too, lots of car deer accidents around this time of year. Last month I was driving home form a nearby city and out in a field not more than 10 feet off the road was a big buck, just watching the cars go by.
In this neck of the Ohio woods, *smart* people don't mess with deer tags and licenses-- the deer commit suicide in front of our vehicles year 'round.
We've had processed the odd deer that got hit by my stepdad's truck. He's horrible at paying attention to things and hits a deer every couple years. If I'd had my truck instead of the crv I would have grabbed this roadkill deer that I knew had only been there about 2hrs and cut it up in to dog food. However that would have meant blood in the crv and having to drive 30mins back to the stable since I doubt people would be thrilled if I did it in the condo building parking lot.
Even us city folk in Ohio get a glimpse of deer at least once a month.

I am in no way opposed to hunting, but I have no inclinations whatsoever to go hunting. I don't really have the time for that either. I am quite appreciative for the people who raise cows, so I can just grab a piece of flesh on a styrofoam tray, wrapped in plastic.

However, if you are hunting in Ohio, and plan to cook and share, feel free to invite me over.
The December 9, 2013 issue of Time magazine featured a beautiful white-tailed deer on the cover. The deer is looking out at the viewer from a forested landscape (could be a park, doesn't look very wild--very little underbrush, for example).

The lead story in this issue of Time magazine is the overpopulation of deer and other wildlife in American cities ("America's Pest Problem: Why the rules of hunting are about to change"). There are more individual wild animals on the continent--at least the U.S. part of it (the article didn't provide any statistics on Canada; sorry)--than there were at first settlement by Europeans. Some cities have legalized in-city-limits hunting with bow and arrow from deer stands high up in the trees. The arrow trajectories are all downward; the meat is distributed to food banks if the hunter can't use it himself (I say "himself" because the photos were all of men). From December 9 to 14 (yes, just last week!) there was an authorized bear hunt in New Jersey due to an overpopulation of black bears.

I think hunting is in for a new respectability. The confluence of the sustainability movement, the anti-industrial-food movement, and the sheer terror of not knowing when you or a loved one will be killed by a deer jumping out at you on a fast-moving highway are coming together. Slowly, slowly, but I think they will coincide within the next three to five years.

I'm only sorry that my uncle, a lifelong hunter until his heart betrayed him and he had to stay home from the annual Pennsylvania hunt he loved so much, is no longer here to experience this resurgence of the ancient respectability of conservation hunting.
skysthelimit":2k076geu said:
but I have no inclinations whatsoever to go hunting. I don't really have the time for that either.

To all my local hunters -- I will gladly pay for your ammo for a donation of a deer or two...just sayin' LOVES Bambi's mom, Banbi's dad, Bambi's uncle and aunt...and, since they otherwise get all depressed and suicidal (suicide by car, deer style) it's for their own know?
:yeahthat: Yes!! I will gladly buy ammo for people if they'll bring me some venison! Hell I'll spring for the license. Sadly I'd do it myself but I'm not a good enough shot.

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