As some of you know that i have big problem with coons this year. Last night my jack russell was around the yard doing her thing. The next think i know i hear growling and my dog yelping. My husband and i were outside admiring the rainbow after the rain. Did we ever run to see what was going on. Then my husband said she is fighting with a coon. They were both were rolling on the ground together. Then he took a board and hit on the ground beside them to break them up. It worked, the raccon ran up the tree. I checked the dog over. I thought OMG, no,my dog. To make a long store short. It turns out my husband shot the coon in the tree. And the jack russell is sore and has 3 bites on her front leg. She was very lucky that she was fast. She is hopping around today.
He set the live trap with a hotdog and this morning they put there arms in the trap took the hot dog and the trap went off. so i have to protect my dogs. Another small fence is going up and a electric fence is going up also. And we are picking up some canabear traps. THose are wicked traps and i dont care how we get them anymore. No more moving them. All about killing now...My dog could of gotten killed by one of those things. Jack russell are a small dog. She is sooooo lucky.
He set the live trap with a hotdog and this morning they put there arms in the trap took the hot dog and the trap went off. so i have to protect my dogs. Another small fence is going up and a electric fence is going up also. And we are picking up some canabear traps. THose are wicked traps and i dont care how we get them anymore. No more moving them. All about killing now...My dog could of gotten killed by one of those things. Jack russell are a small dog. She is sooooo lucky.