Does Safeguard work for coccidiosis?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
Someone just told me that Safeguard works for coccidiosis and, as I am STILL loosing rabbits to it, I thought I would check.

Anyone know?

She said the dose was .5 cc.
Normal safeguard does not treat cocci. The mistake could be 2 possible things. There is a cocciguard for dogs and since most don't get a test done to prove coccidia overgrowth the safeguard might have treated another parasite that was causing the problems. There are many cocci treatments. You may actually not be dealing with cocci. The only way to really know is to pay a vet. It's also very important to clean the environment when treating for cocci. The meds will throw the protozoa in to a vitamin deficiency but if the environment is infected it will keep multiplying. You can never kill all cocci. It's a part of the soil and any organic material breaking down. If you don't sterilize and if they are on the ground move up in to disinfected cages they will not recover.
Yeh, I thought she was wrong! The information came from teh Rex breeder that is now saying she hasn't had any deaths in over 120 days but one of the reasons I was in such a hurry to get the rabbits in the first place was she told me she had lost 14 to heat stroke the week before I picked them up.

I feel a bit of a sucker now, to be honest. :oops:

The sick rex have lived and look much better but the new lost ones are three kits with no signs of anything wrong that I am thinking might have died due to the crop spraying that is done all around us and three that have a cross brace under their cage. Manure tends to build up on the brace despite all efforts to keep it clean. Almost all my cages hang but a few couldn't be hung due to the shape of the barn.

Can a fan at floor level pick up infection and blow it onto rabbits? Its the only vector left I hadn't thought of and blocked yet.

Glad to know Safeguard doesnt work for this problem, shall cull a few non breeders so everybunny is in an unsuported cage and Corid all my stock and move in 2 weeks out of the cotton belt.

Hopefully that will sort the problems. Am fit to be tied though, was going to sell all my youngsters to pay for a few tanks of gas used for the move. Cant sell a thing now till I KNOW they are all better! :angry: