Does anyone Shave your Rabbits?

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Dec 20, 2010
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Seriously, it's already been above 90 degrees around the rabbit cages at one time the themometer read 110!!!!
So I already shave our long hair cats in the summer, so would it hurt if I shave the Rabbits?
They are in the shade all the time so they won't sunburn, and they wont be hairless, just have a Crew cut. :p
I do have tile in the cages for them and have frozen bottles of water to put in the cage when it's starts getting to the real Arizona heat.
Let me know PLEASE
i have no answer...I just can't see shaving rabbits unless you have an angora.

I would think too that the coats would have an insulating value against the heat.
I know as a dog groomer we try not to save down dogs unless they are matted. The hair keeps them cool in the summer. The only ones that I cut down are my english angora as it is not fur it is wool. I don't even save the woolies. To keep the cool freeze a soda bottle and give it to them so the can lay on it.
I lived in AZ I know how hot it gets there and I had a wonderful border collie liveing there. We used to put ice cubes in his water bowel. We gave the horses a frozen treat water with cut up apples and carrots. That just gave me a idea cut up veggies and put them in a ice cube tray and give them one ice cube every day.
Long hair helps pull heat from the body while shaving can lead to sunburn. Keeping even long haired animals well groomed is a better option than clipping.

Frozen melon is a good treat for most animals but make sure they finish it all or remove it because the damage from being frozen will cause it to mold quickly. We plan to throw entire foam coolers of water in the big freezer and then set it on the cages or in front of the fan to make air conditioning. Should take most of a day to melt completely. I don't have time for the individual frozen bottles idea. For the colony I'll do the same as I did for guinea pigs I kept outside in horse stalls during the summer. Just fill some horse feed pans or small low sided water troughs with a few inches of water. The animals learn to hop in to cool off. Any animal you get wet should have shade because it can cause sunburn to thinly covered areas like ears or belly and to light colored animals. We've had it happen to hosed off horses. With horses at least the coat also has a tendency to curl or wrinkle if dried in the sun which looks bad for shows.
Shaving cats?... Shaving Rabbits?... huh?
Seriously, must say, NEVER heard of this before EVER! Unless, as someone else mentioned, the hair is matted, etc...
We used to shave alot of cats in the grooming shop. Most were the long hair like angora and that was in a lion cut the poor cat look so sad after I think it was mean.
I'd just use a shedding comb like you use on dogs to get all the loose underhair out. That will let a little air into the coat. Rabbits have very sensitive skin. That's why the cosmetics people use them to test for possible alergic reactions in their products. It isn't just the sun you have to be careful of. Bare skin can be irritated and scratched by almost anything in their cage (hay, straw etc.) Their hair normally protects them from that.
I know when we had to shave our tabby cat, the fur pattern never looked the same. I would never shave a cat or bunny unless I had to.

Construction = scared cat, shellac + cat = chaos -> bald cat
I wish I'd have been there to see that. I'd never do anything like that on purpose but when it happens by accident it must have been hilarious.
Have to agree on not shaving.... We have Chows and so many people tell us we should shave them because they are hot, but in all reality, they do better with their fur, shade, LOTS of water... and my animals, even my cat likes to have a little pool to play in... It hasn't even gotten hot here yet and my rabbits have a blast playing in the water.... Plus they LOVE ice cubes....
i agree with everyone else though i dont own rabbits yet i know dogs and i would say its not a good idea for all the reasons that were listed above

I never did understand why humans think animals are hot because they are. The only time I would ever shave an animal would be if the coat was so matted it was causing skin issues. Animals need their fur to stay warm and to stay cool. It also helps to keep flies from biting them. Besides, they look terriably funny and uncomfortable when shaved.

Plucking loose hair would be a better way to deal with mats before they happen, or daily brushing.