Picked up a new doe on Monday and at first she seemed to be settling in very nicely. But when I was cleaning her dropping pan yesterday (Wednesday) I noticed that there were a few large, very loose droppings. The rest of the droppings were fine and she seemed perfectly healthy, but I decided to play it safe. So I immediately removed her pellets and instead gave her oats and timothy hay for dinner. When I went to bed last night, she still seemed very active and lively and was drinking her water just fine. This morning, she is still the same and none of her droppings seem to be loose or abnormally shaped. She had eaten all of the hay but had barely touched her oats. Less than half of the oats were eaten, but she was obviously hungry -- she practically climbed out of the cage trying to get to the plantain leaves I'd brought in for her. I gave her more hay, which she dug into right away, and left a pile of plantain for her, but I'm worried about her getting enough to eat.
Should I just switch her back to pellets and see what happens? Is there a way to encourage her to eat the oats? Did she even have diarrhea in the first place?
>>>In case it's relevant, she's a 3 yr old doe. Currently living in an all-wire cage in the quarantine barn. She's very friendly and calm, almost nothing bothers her. She's a French Angora and is NOT currently molting. Also, until I removed the pellets, she was eating constantly and seems to have a very LARGE appetite.
Should I just switch her back to pellets and see what happens? Is there a way to encourage her to eat the oats? Did she even have diarrhea in the first place?
>>>In case it's relevant, she's a 3 yr old doe. Currently living in an all-wire cage in the quarantine barn. She's very friendly and calm, almost nothing bothers her. She's a French Angora and is NOT currently molting. Also, until I removed the pellets, she was eating constantly and seems to have a very LARGE appetite.