Doe (with Litter) has diarhea! Help!!

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
Western Wash.
Ms Tenino kindled last weekend; she had 11 ,one died that day. The 10 have been fed and were fine this am. Tonight I came out and she has brown wet fur all over her back end--- like enteritis. Her feces were a blog like mass in the pan. I tried to clean her off; the kits haven't been fed--I can see that. I gave her oats and grass hay and she has eaten, I would add that she has barely drunk any water since it was topped off this am. I put Whitey in the box and she nursed--and peed all over most of the kits. I cleaned them off and made a new nest. They are warm and secure in the garage.

Lastly: there are only 9 tonight--no sign of the missing kit! Did she eat it and become sick? I check all nests am and pm.

I am thinking that the grape leaves did it. I have two does with this adn they were fed a bunch of grape leaves.
Possible, but I've never had any problem feeding grape leaves. Mind you, my rabbits get a salad plate of at least 5 different plants most days... so the effect of any one is diluted. Any new green is added in small quantities at first... phased into the mix. I've never had a rabbit get poopy butt from greens doing it that way.

Well, you know what to do to fix it.
how many grape leaves were they fed?
I too have fed grape leaves without problem ..though i start with a small one and work up my amounts

what else have you fed them lately?
Ok--they have pinworms.

In fact three does show it in their feces. Two have litters and one is preggo. Can I deworm them via water safely? Two does are losing condition due to the worm load; this may have been growing for a couple monhs and now is showing with these two.

Appreciate help!
the only way I know to treat pinworms is panacur and that's a liquid that you give orally. It's easy to do if you have a small gauge syringe.
I used pour on Ivermectin for cattle on my does about 3 weeks ago for fur mites. It works for worms too (except tapeworm). 2-3 drops behind the ears is all it takes. I used it on pregnant and nursing does with no ill effects.
Ms Tenino seems to have cleared up. Here back end is clean,she is eating and gaining weight and milking her kits. They are on the smaller size, but tummies are full.