Doe just pulled a whole lot of fur.... UPDATE! she had kits!

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Mar 23, 2011
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she was doe last weekend, so it would be way late... lik SUPER late, im so confused by her.... bred her, and then nohtin, so i waited till day 36 and i re breed her. that was on friday. today she pulls a whole lot of fur. i re looked at all my dates and logs and if she was preggo she would have had them last week... unless shes is super late, or they may have gotten switched.... i not sure, but a little nevouse for her. im hoping she is fine and the kits are fine, and she just go switced with another one, BUT no one is due now... so i doubt it. has anyone had kits really late and turn out okay?

Update- she had 9 kits! 2 were DOA, and one was barly alive, so i bought it in and warmed it up in a warm bath, it was away from all the other kits, im not sure if she pulled it off to the sde, or not, but it was next to he dead ones. she still hadnt cleaned them up or her self... so i put the one kit back in thre with them. i really dont think it will make it. it has bursing all over its head, but after two hours i peeked at them agian and it looked pink and fat. so maye it will! time will tell. so now there are 7 of them. and what looked like a half formed one, kinda gross. i guess thats from breeding her on friday, thinking she didnt take. poor girl i feel bad about that!
Sounds to me like you need to tattoo your rabbits so you can tell them apart AND keep better records of when you breed them. It's so easy to drop a week if you are relying on memory!

Make sure she has a nest box and lots of nesting materials and just wait and see. As long as she is not in distress, I don't think there is anything else you can do at this point.
i do need to tattoo them, but i have amazing records. so thats not it. she might have been swichted tho, my boys let her and another one out, and im pretty sure i got he right one in the cage, but its possiable i didnt.

as for my records, i have it all written on a calendar, and then in a note book, and then i put it on a spread sheet... so.... its pretty sure thats when i breed her. im kinda a freak when it comes to book keeping.
I second that-- if no distress, keep yourself calm. She mayalso be eperiencing a false pregnancy, and withthose, hormones are wacko

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