doe is not getting pregnant.

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No she didnt. Is this something that needs to be done? Please explain so i dont mess up again. And i was convinced she wasnt pregnant she had no signs thats why i started the thread to begin with. I know this couldve been prevented just plz help so i can do everything i can to prevent this again. Thank you
I can't speak for your specific situation, but.... I have learned that I cannot count on my water bottles actually providing enough water for them. I recently found that all my bottles were leaking... giving me the perception that the rabbits were drinking enough. When I suspected this, I offered water crocks, refilled a few times per day. The rabbits all drank more and all gained significant weight. This tells me that, even though they were getting some water, it was not enough to keep them healthy. Not sure if your water bottle might have been the issue. But it does happen fairly quickly, IMO.

I'm mentioning this because I lost a rabbit a year ago, and never understood why, until now. Looking back, I'm sure it was the water bottle problem.

In a typical cage, one might observe this quicker, but mine are in a colony and it was very difficult to see a controlled status on each rabbit. I've learned, though. And now all is well.

Was your rabbit's breathing raspy at all? Was she sneezing or coughing?
Zinnia":38wan6o1 said:
I can't speak for your specific situation, but.... I have learned that I cannot count on my water bottles actually providing enough water for them. I recently found that all my bottles were leaking... giving me the perception that the rabbits were drinking enough. When I suspected this, I offered water crocks, refilled a few times per day. The rabbits all drank more and all gained significant weight. This tells me that, even though they were getting some water, it was not enough to keep them healthy. Not sure if your water bottle might have been the issue. But it does happen fairly quickly, IMO.

I'm mentioning this because I lost a rabbit a year ago, and never understood why, until now. Looking back, I'm sure it was the water bottle problem.

In a typical cage, one might observe this quicker, but mine are in a colony and it was very difficult to see a controlled status on each rabbit. I've learned, though. And now all is well.

Was your rabbit's breathing raspy at all? Was she sneezing or coughing?

I wasn't home when it happened but it was a graphic mess. things looked inside out or maybe it was a sac of some sort? maybe one got blocked or turned sideways? im very inexperienced
No...they do not need to go off feed at all. Some does do, and doing it too long puts them at risk for ketosis.

Could the inside-out-looking things have been uneaten placentas? Each kit is born with their own. Does usually eat them all before anyone sees them.
Zass":2xhgsag7 said:
No...they do not need to go off feed at all. Some does do, and doing it too long puts them at risk for ketosis.

Could the inside-out-looking things have been uneaten placentas? Each kit is born with their own. Does usually eat them all before anyone sees them.
Maybe that was it, my wife suggested that also. Didnt realize they were born in that thick of a sac.

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