Doe behaviour and RATS

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2012
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Quick newbie question - when I go to feed the does I break up the carrot (or whatever) into two or three sections, but one doe keeps chasing/following the other - not chasing as in running around, just following very close, head to the ribcage. I'm reading it as a dominance thing - does this sound normal or something to be cautious about?

Oh, and it seems we have rats in the outbuildings :evil: which might mean having to use rabbit cages if I can't control them. Not what I wanted. However, I've finally found an advert for second hand cages so I'm getting measurements and pictures tomorrow. Hmph.
Small amount of pellets in one large dish, hay rack is about 2 feet long (plenty of room) and other bits are broken and scattered. I haven't seen this behaviour at the dish/with the pellets though.
Ooo. I didn't think of that. Better check before I collect the rex buck!

Hopefully have solved the rat issue - they were coming up a disused toilet in the outbuilding. Disused toilet now has a concrete paving slab sat on it :D I only slightly crushed my hand getting it there ;)
Rabbits are funny that way. "How dare you take the piece of carrot that I had my eye on!" There can be a dozen other pieces and they will still chase after the one another rabbit has. I don't worry about this unless someone is getting hurt. Sooner or later one will "win" and the other will pick up another piece of carrot or whatever.

Glad you have the rats under control. They will steal young kits out of nests. Horrid beasts!