Doe acting very different after her first mating.

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May 21, 2013
Reaction score
macomb Michigan
I use to breed mini loops many years ago and now my girls have mini lion heads. We tried to breed them for the first time last night and the male was a little off but if I kept our little lady happy he seemed to get the job done and fall off to the side. I then placed them back in there own cages and gave everyone treats. Well this morning when I went to give them there morning Veg our little lady was not happy with me at all and is making piggy sounds at me and charging at my had. Is this normal? I don't ever remember this happening when I had my mini lops. Any help is appreciated thank you
Quite normal. Usually I know my does are successfully bred when they act like this.
My otter doe was quiet and still before being bred, now she's a talkative jerk, LOL, so I am assuming the mating "took." ;) Hopefully that means you'll be getting popples soon!
Our doe Lilac is just like that. She had her kits on the 22nd of this month and is still angry at me.
amandainohio24":13q31yl7 said:
Our doe Lilac is just like that. She had her kits on the 22nd of this month and is still angry at me.

LOL, my doe Classy has never forgiven me for breeding her. She still huffs and growls at me when I (or ANYONE) touches her. :lol:
Thank you all!! That makes me fell a hole lot better and I still miss being able to take her out and do our daily play time. I hope if I give her another day or so she will want to come out as I really do need to clean her cage but I just don't want to push her right now.
Mine is just a grumpy butt when she is in her cage. Once I take her out and am holding her all is right in the world to her again.
Mine tend to be unhappy with me the first couple of days after mating. They're afraid I've come to take them back to that barbarian! :p They'll grunt, charge my hand, or just sit there and whimper. :roll: But they get over it pretty quickly.

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