Do you continue to breed through winter?

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Jul 12, 2010
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I have one doe bred now and I will probably wont breed any more for a couple of months. How about you do you continue to breed through winter?
You pretty much have to. Giving some does a breeak will do more harm than keeping them bred. Even if you do lose a litter she can be rebred right away usually. I slack off later because the market is down by about 50% during the hot months, I let them go a bit longer tween litters, maybe 3-4 more weeks.
Here the winters are cold, but not insanely so. I would be more likely to give the rabbits a break in the summer, when it's insanely hot (and the bucks go heat-sterile for the summer, anyway).
We are trying to breed through the winter this year, but our winter is much more mild than some, lol. We had an unusually hot summer and gave everyone a very long break because even with fans and AC coming out into the rabbit area I was still concerned about the weather we were having. I do think it hurt us in the long run though because we had/are having some trouble getting does bred after the extended hiatus.

Best of luck!

Definitely. The only serious winter things to deal with are making sure the rabbits have good shelter, keeping kits off the cold wire and keeping water from freezing. In the summer you have to deal more with with flies and parasites, overheating, heat sterility in bucks, less than prime coats (if you tan the skins), warm waste has more odor so more rabbits=a lot more stink than in cold weather, rabbits seem to have less interest in breeding and you'll have competition in sales from people who breed a lot right around Easter.
I breed my rabbits year-round. Allowing the Rabbits to laze their
way for any amount of time could cause{
The Does to get lazy and develop fat around the Fallopian tubes.
The Bucks will/can become couch potatoes and give you not much
more than a DIRTY look when you bring them a visitor.
Breeding year-round keeps them slim and trim and ready for LOVE! :hobbyhors
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: