Do rabbits ever "outgrow" false pregnancy?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
South TX
Is this even possible, with experience and good mothering instincts, to no longer or have less false pregnancies? Keeping an eye on thing here,
3 days or so ago one was Haystaching and today she has pulled some fur, but I am not convinced she's pregnant....seems a little early. I believe today to be day 20. But she had a nice litter last time and seems to have really good instincts....
I've had it happen at day 18. Build a nest like crazy and pull some fur all in one day. The next 14 days nothing. 32nd night she pulled a ton of fur and had 9. I never thought it would happen but she sure fooled me. :?

Don't give up.

Awe those guys are adorable! I need some again! I am most definitely not giving up on mine, just more wondering corse of action to take. She's had 1 false pregnancy before, and when she seemed over it I bred her right away, and a month later she had 5 beautiful babies! So that's really my only dilema. I don't want to stress her out if she is pregnant. Last time we had a false pregnancy there was no fall off and all this was done by day 18. This time I had 2 fall offs, but with a new buck who seems I be willing but not getting things in exactly the right spot. But maybe I am wrong, lol.....I guess I'll keep and eye on her and see what happens. My other one who I swore had babies moving in her belly, and I even took a YouTube video of last week still doesn't have kits......
Day 20... nestbuilding.. that's fine. If it's day 14/15 then it is for sure a false pregnancy.

but some buns just start early. Means nothing other than... give me a nestbox until I ignore it. Then remove it so I don't poop in it, then return on day 28 so I can do it over again. :)
Haha! Ok, well I checked it out again, and she just kind of seems to be taking her time with it. She is scratching and trying to dig all over her cage. When I looked in the box there was a little hair (not near what I know she will probably pull), and I found ants! So I took it all out, sprayed it down with ant killer along with the gound underneath and legs of the the cage, and replaced it all with fresh pine chips and a few pieces of the hay and hair (that were ant free). But that wasn't good enough for her! She definitely still cares about the nest, and my experience with false pregnancy is that it comes and goes pretty quick, then it doesn't matter to them anymore. She was really upset (not aggressive) and worked hard to push things around in there to her liking. I hope I didn't hurt anything by spraying the ant spray, but I couldn't stand the thought of the babies getting eaten up by ants in their nest! I made sure that none of it got next to her food and water, just wished she would have let it dry before moving things around. Ill check her in the morning, and hope that things still keep going well. I take it as a good sign she still cares about it though!

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