Do NOT pet that rabbit!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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UGH! :lol: Moved my junior NZ black buck to a different cage, located on top of the stacker, vs. on the bottom. He's always been extremely friendly, and begs to be pet. As usual, he practically hangs out the door, wanting to be pet, so I do. All of a sudden he marks my hand quickly a couple times, and within less than a second, not enough time for me to react, he spun around, and got me good! Thankfully, it wasn't in the face though! Little sucker! No more pets for you! :lol:

This is the first sprayer I've had, and I don't like it one bit! :p
I have my bucks up high. I noticed when my bucks are up high they are more friendly. I guess I better keep an eye o. Them. I have triple attackers. I noticed rabbits on bottom are more frightened and I don't visit them as much. The middle are ok but the top rabbits are the friendliest. So far my top bucks have not marked me. They have been there all summer.
I have one buck that is on top of 2 other cages and is about chest height. He likes to spray so I hung cardboard 6-8" up on the front and one side of the cage. Where he is in our house, one side and the front is all that we really need to protect. He got me for the first time the other day through the unprotected side lol. He missed me a number of times before.
That's discussing when bucks spray. I have
A sprayer and my daughter went to pet him
And got her in the face. Yuck!! Needless to say
She jumped in the bath right away.
I get sprayed at several times a day by the buck I let run around the yard... :x I usually manage to dodge it if I see him coming though.
Today I was fixing a cage, and I'm halfway done when the buck in the cage spins around and sprays my hands. That's the thanks I get?? :evil:
I wouldn't keep a sprayer... I can say that now as Rams only sprayed once :lol:
Well, of course lots of other things weigh in. But I like clean rabbits, I'm unhappy that Rams doesn't use a decent potty-corner! I want the kits to get easy to littertrain and I've learnt that lot of that behaviour comes from the buck. I aim to keep well tempered rabbits that's sometimes sold for pets, plus I may someday in the future decide to keep a pet rabbit.. (next time I move out from home, after my studies, I want to keep two breeding meat does in a room or balcony and a pet buck loose in the apartment. I've had unfixed bucks as pets before (wasn't that common to 'fix' them a decade ago, and still isn't) but I wouldn't want a sprayer kept like that.
And I think it's yucky to get peed on. So that's unreasonably high on my list of traits not to keep.
But of course, it all depends. I tend to the rabbits in the morning, before going to Malmö and school.. I don't want anything to pee on my clothes then! If I'm just feeding and watering them it won't smell. But had I done everything in the evening when I muck out the horse stalls and are dressed to get a bit icky and smelly, getting sprayed by a buck occationally wouldn't be that much of a problem. Nasty, but I'm still heading into the showers, so.. *shrug*

But you say their placement encourages behaviour? Never thought of it. Two of mine share a cage on the wall, Kori lives on the floor. Does on the floor.
Ya, not fond of spraying either, but the buck that does it is my favorite. He was my first angora and he is a complete love, the only reason he sprays is when he's not getting enough attention. It's my fault since I spoiled him rotten from day one, and now that he's not the only rabbit anymore he gets jealous. I've just learned to work around it, and avoid putting him in a situation where he will spray, so its a very rare occurance anymore!

Oddly enough, the older buck I got from the same breeder, I got with a warning to keep on the bottom if the stack as he sprayed terribly when he lived with her. Out of necessity, he ended up on top, and he's been the sweetest thing. (Well, in comparison to how he acted with her, still a little shy compared to my other buck that does spray) He's never once tried to spray me or bite me like she said he does! Woot, Go Oliver!
I have a few sprayers but they've never hit people. Just dogs, each other, 5' up the wall, their feeder, etc... I was trying to get a doe in condition and put her between 2 bucks. She was a himi. Poor thing was completely brown and yellow 2 days later from the bucks having a pee war over her.
I have had two sprayers....Tornado just binkies around and he squirts it every which way. I have him in the old set up now with other pre-convention purchased rabbits and without fail, there is pee all behind the back wall.

I have one jr buck that surprised me because he was so young! He'd given me two squirts while he was on the bottom row. I moved him to the top to give him more head patting time, and he's settled down. I've also coaxed him with his favorite treat, fresh basil, for pets.

I thought for sure Tornado's son would spray, but nada. He's actually opposite in personality too!

Being sprayed is no fun!
Some are sprayers and some are not; some only spray when they sense a receptive doe in the rabbitry.
I get sprayed at several times a day by the buck I let run around the yard... I usually manage to dodge it if I see him coming though.
Today I was fixing a cage, and I'm halfway done when the buck in the cage spins around and sprays my hands. That's the thanks I get??

I have two billy goats and they like to spray as well. It's worse than a little kid with a water gun. To top it off they pee on thier face on a regular basis. Funny how people appease a goats begging to be petted on the head. I've been sprayed directly 3 times by a goat and the scent really isn't any better than a skunk, nearly as difficult to remove the scent too.
I think mine just does it cause there's a doe in the
Other side. When I had him in the house or in a seperate
Cage he never did it. Now he's got his sent all over
The damn cage.