Do all bucks fall off? *UPDATE*

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2012
Reaction score
Payson, Utah
I tried to breed a doe with one of our bucks that we have grown out. He is so big! I haven't weighed him recently. Not too fat though. I can feel his back pretty well. He was born on 11/28/12.

He immediately mounted her. It took him a few seconds to get coordinated. Then he worked and worked and worked. He never did fall off. I put the doe in with another buck just to make sure. It should be pretty easy to tell since the buck that didn't fall off is shaded and is from a Palomino line. The second buck is black.

Just curious if they always fall off. Do I just keep trying him and see if he can figure it out?
That's what I look for as well. Even falling off doesn't guarantee that it takes. My Flemish buck fell off of 2 does about a month and a half ago and there were no kits. Once on one and twice on another. I assume it was heat sterility or the fact that he was less than 9 months old. He's been inside the house for a month or so. I'm hopeful that he'll be loaded up and ready soon.
Well, not always true, they do not have to fall off. I had a buck who never fell off my one doe, and she had kits 34 days later. So, they do NOT have to fall off, but, it is extra assurence when they do.
Agreed with OBTB, I have a buck who falls off what I thought was every time, but there's been one litter where he hadn't. He's the most dramatic thing too when it happens, he usually gives a loud grunt or squeal and lays there for about 30 seconds. Too funny.
PSFAngoras":1jzbc3hx said:
Agreed with OBTB, I have a buck who falls off what I thought was every time, but there's been one litter where he hadn't. He's the most dramatic thing too when it happens, he usually gives a loud grunt or squeal and lays there for about 30 seconds. Too funny.

I count that as a "fall off." ;)
Our does were making it very clear that they were ready to be bred. We put one of them in with this buck ... and he fell off! Only once, but she clamped her butt down to the floor after that once. We even tried putting her with another puck to see if it was her or the buck. It was her. Maybe she is one of those does that only allows once. We'll see how it went in 4 weeks. Her last litter was a surprise by her litter mates, so I really don't know how she handles breeding.
They don't have to "fall", but you should see a little jump and their back legs lift up and they curl into a ball. They will then either roll off or stay on the doe. They also twitch afterwards.

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