Dirty fryers

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Mar 16, 2022
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My fryers got rejected from the processor the other week because they're too dirty (I'm very new) after a week they haven't really cleaned up much there's still impacted feces in their fur..trued some rabbit shampoo and combing and it's not working too well (there's 8 of them) how to I get them clean or at least to a state they can clean themselves effectively
Are they on wire floors or solid wood? I prefer wire cages because the rabbits stay cleaner since the poop can fall through the floor. I would make sure their cage/hutch is very clean and take them inside and wet the area where the poop is stuck and use some dish liquid. Towel dry and put them back in a clean cage.
I have had this issue with my first litter and simply stuck the baby rabbit in a bowl is bottom fit nicely in and let her soak for about five minutes and scrubbed with my hand and a paper towel until it all came off!! This rabbits bottom was clumped together pretty badly with poop lol so this should work just don’t be afraid to get her hands dirty!! And some fur might come out don’t let it scare you as long as it you aren’t pulling really harshly!! Softly rub until they are clean enough!! They should clean themselves better after they get wet. Remember to never fully submerge your rabbit in water!
Another option, if it isn't ground down to the skin, is to cut off the clumps. if it's a rather large mass, a bit if a soak to make it bendable and just keep cutting a scissor tip at a time
Mine don't have dance parties atop their poop collections, but I totally understand! I have an angora that is personally offended every time I scoop her art project out of the cage
It's little ***** all over I'll get a picture tonight..they were in a crowded cage so I'm making bigger ones rn for the fryers but even another cage with mom turned brown out of nowhere
Do you have a place to put a litter box? How about a piddle pad? If so, clean the cage our thoroughly and put the new potty place in. By thoroughly I mean strong bleach solution, rinse, dry and follow with ammonia. DO NOT skip the rinse. Ammonia reacts with bleach to evolve poison chlorine gas! the idea is to get ALL of their scent gone.

All that is for the future.

Present tense: do what @Robochelle suggests, cut the poopy-fur away carefully.
So they're going today what would be the fastest way to clean them up without hurting them? They'll be processed in max 2 days so do I really have to worry about the after effects of not washing them properly (of course still making sure they're bone dry after) have 8 rabbits to clean
Trim any stuck on stuff, and then see if they like pool parties as much as poop parties. Don't "give them a bath" in the way pet owners will say kills them from heart attack, but give them a large area with maybe an inch of watery... my weirdo buns will eagerly go into that and it'll soak out all of the rest of the dirt. With luck, and your buns' propensity to dance on piles of poop, maybe they'll dance in the water and rinse their tops as well... then all you need is a bit of combing and the buns will probably groom the rest In an afternoon
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cornstarch makes the poop not stick. Might be worth giving them a cornstarch bath. But honestly... I'd not give them any hay for a while. If they make a mess with hay, they don't need hay OR you need a different method of feeding it.
If there's only eight, process them at home and not worry about cleaning the fur? Maybe in groups of four instead of all eight at once?