Did she abort?

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
Western Wash.
I have a first time doe that was day 28 today; on day 25 I came home to an almost formed kit on the wire. Strangely, she had made a nest the day prior (scratching and digging so I put hay and a box in). This morning there is bloody show on the cage floor and slight bleeding on her posterier. She has not pulled any fur...
Her sister is day 28 today, made a nest last night and has started pulling fur.

I palpated and am unsure if she has more kits inside her.
I'd be inclined to hold off on the rebreeding for a week or two, just to give her some time to recover and to make sure there are no complications. It's a slightly different situation than when a doe delivers normally but loses the kits to chilling or whatever.
Go ahead and rebreed her. Feed her some raspberry leaves if you think she is retaining kits. It should stimulate her into passing them. Otherwise sounds like a vet visit for a shot of oxytosin might be in order.
chinbunny1":14y2c99m said:
Go ahead and rebreed her. Feed her some raspberry leaves if you think she is retaining kits. It should stimulate her into passing them. Otherwise sounds like a vet visit for a shot of oxytosin might be in order.

I strongly disagree with immediate rebreeding. By all means feed some raspberry leaves (or mint or sage) to help her expel remaining kits if they don't come on their own, but I do not think she should be rushed into another pregnancy until this one has been resolved completely and she has had time to recover.
While I'm very cautious about using lavender (fresh or dried), this is a case where I'd probably offer it. Lavender helps expel contents of the uterus and it is also a pain reliever which would help with any discomfort she may have.

When you re-breed her, it might be an idea to hold off palpatating her. I am not, by any means, suggesting that the palpatating you did caused her pregnancy problems. It's just since she had problems it might be an idea to not disturb/disrupt her as much as possible for her next pregnancy. I can't see it hurting if you hold off a week or so to rebreed. She's already had one failed pregnancy, you'd really want her to be in top form before trying again.
Will do; she will have most of the moth off as I will have to await another doe to breed with her (I always breed two at the same time in case I need a foster).

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