Diatomaceous Earth

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
North of Toronto
I guess I'll ask this here because it's regarding the chickens but does anyone in Ontario have a certain place to buy DE? I found a place down near Niagara Falls that sells food grade DE which I was told must be used around animals. They ship so I could order it.
I sure miss this forum. My home Internet rarely works and I can get on here with my iPhone but it's not convenient to browse and type with!
We miss you too, Truckinguy! I sure hope your Internet situation improves.

I know you can get DE from Homestead Organics, near Ottawa. They have distributors through much of the province. Here's the link to their website:

Ewwww... they've changed their website a lot and it is difficult to navigate. You might be better off phoning them if you want to check it out: 613-984-0480
Thanks, Maggie, interesting site. The other site I found is Agrogreen down near Niagara Falls. I like organic growing sites.
Hopefully I'll get better Internet service in the future but it's not in the budget at the moment.