Diarrhea in nest box babies?

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May 26, 2011
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Since one of my litters was about 7 DAYS old, they've had smelly diarrhea that's caked over their vents. They are now exactly 3 weeks old on T-Day.

I haven't lost any. They are active. They are now 3 weeks old and hopping in and out of the box, playfighting, playing momma leapfrog. Just now starting to nibble on hard food.

Treated 2x now (the past two weekends) with baycox - just a drop in each kit's mouth. The first time they were only 9 days old, the second they were about 15 days old.

It is smelly diarrhea, not mucoid like enteritis.

The dam is FINE - first time momma, who has done great.

ANY ideas? I'm stumped.

I have had mucoid enteritis and problems with some sort of enterotoxemia/coccidia in the past few months, but only strikes kits that are out of the box. The enteritis (bloat, mucousy poo) strikes mainly weaned kits about 7-8 weeks of age - cocci was getting some of the last litters. Treated with baycox, saved most everybody. Will be torching cages again.
Got me stumped. Like you said, if it was enteritis, the would have been closer to weaning age when it first started. It could be reoccurring coccidia, that stuff is hard to kill sometimes, like giardia in dogs. Infected puppies almost always have received the parasite from their mother's feces. Typically, healthy adult animals shedding the parasite's oocysts in their feces will be asymptomatic because of their developed immune systems. Perhaps this applies and as they eat the mothers droppings for good intestinal flora, they are getting reinfected.
Possibly - I've treated the momma with baycox too, both times. Just in case. Zero affect on them - which I imagine it would have some effect.

Their nest box REALLY stinks - it's not soiled, but their little behinds are... so they smell bad. They are still active (but cuddling more because it's COLD today!), and eating/drinking... normal bunnies otherwise!
That's the one thing I remember about the puppies two summers ago, the smell. I would describe it as a metallic smell, nasty poop smell. i believe I treated everyone with the Reptile blocks in their water.