I have two does due any time now. I put some extra hay in their cages this afternoon and took my camera out tonight in hopes of getting a hay staching picture... instead I find one eating a lone kit! :shock: :evil: It has been ridiculously hot which I know can cause issues for pregnant does. This is my first litter with her, she was last bred in October with her previous owner and had a decent sized litter (she said she avereaged between 8 and 11). This was with the same buck as well. The belly was gaping open so I don't know if there were genetic issues, if it was born dead or alive, maybe she got too close cleaning things up? No idea. Oh, and it was out on the wire. The nest hasn't been touched since I was out this afternoon. Not sure if I should check on her again in a little while, or just let her go and see what happens?